Prologue - Audrey's Curse

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Chad whimpered, looking up at Audrey between his fingers. The once happy pastel wearing princess had become an evil enchantress dressed in dark shades and leather, the green glow of the scepter illuminating her face.

" hear these words, hear the rhyme " Audrey waved her hand, pink smoke spilling from the well, Maleficent's spell book floating in front of her "Heed the hope within my mind" her voice echoed across the forest.

Chad jumps as he hears rushed footsteps start to run up behind him.

"Audrey stop!" Mal screamed, yelping as a pink blast collided with her leg. Mal crashed to the floor, wincing as she held her leg, blood running down the purple leather.

"Mal!" Ben yelled out, stopping and running to mal, kneeling next to her "are you okay?!"

"send me back to where I'll find" Audrey turned, looking Mal and Ben dead in the eye "what I wish in place and time!"

The pink smoke swirling from the well burst up into the air, swirling up into the sky. Covering the land of auradon.

"I will get what I deserve!!!" Audrey screamed, slamming the scepter into the ground, sending Harry and Gil into the trees, a sickening crack resounding in Harry's back.

He coughed, blood spurting from his mouth, grunting as he hit the ground. "Uma" he whimpered, blurry vision locking on a teal blur.

"Uma" a large blue and golden glow took over his vision, a watery voice echoing in his ears.



Gil groaned, gasping as pink lightning and teal swirling waterlike magic clashed, he looked up, eyes widening as the pink smoke started to descend.

He struggled to stand, limping over to harry and putting his body on top of his, he needed to protect his own.

Carlos, grabbed dude, slinking down against a tree, leaning into Evie's side. Evie wrapped her arm around him, burying her face into his hair.

"AH!" Uma screeched, curling in on herself as lightning hit her arm, burning her skin.

Audrey let out a cackle, thrusting her boot forward and kicking Uma in the stomach, sending her back into Harry and Gil.

Harry reached out, ignoring the intense pain and pulling Uma into his arms, Gil readjusting to cover her as well.


Mal sobbed, holding onto Ben tightly, choking as the pink smoke settled.



Umas eyes snapped open, blinking wildly, "ohh what" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes, looking around, soft teal and ocean designs surrounded her, a soft push under her.

"what" she sat up, running her hands through her hair, pulling the soft straight hair in front of her.

"the" she stood, lip curling at the soft pajamas on her form.

"FUCK!" she looked out the window, and there was the isle of the lost.

She stomped over to a door, eyes catching a glint in the corner of her eyes, she turned to gasp as she spotted a terrarium.

There was a small black and purple octopus in the tank, her tentacles hitting the top of the little skull rock in front of her.

"Mom!?!" Uma stumbled back into the soft blue dresser, whipping her head around the auradon room "WHAT THE FUCK!"

What the hell was going on!?!

—end of prologue!! Part 1 coming soon!—

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