Shot One

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Hi. 😊

Sorry in advance. ,😅


*Namtarn's Pov*

The idea of just a week from now will be our college graduation gave me the courage to finally do it.

You see, Krist Perawat was basically the Prince of the Kasetsart University, the Cold Prince to be exact. He and his friends rule the school not only because of how good looking everyone on their circle is but also having wealthy their family background.

It all started when I saw him on my second year after I transferred back here in Thailand. The very first time I saw him was him with a black face sitting on the cafeteria as his friends goofing around him, that moment he already caught my attention, with a very handsome face and intimidating aura. I can say, it's love at first sight.

One thing that made me so drawn to him was I never saw him laugh, I sometimes saw him smiled a little but laughed? Never!
Even though his friends with the university's Jokers, P'Off and P'Gunsmile he still manage to keep his serious face every time.

Watching him for two years, I can't help but fall in love with him every single day. I also saw how girls would try to get his attention but all failed,  some even confessed to him but always rejected. A true Cold Prince he is.

I was so scared to confess back then but I had enough. I am too from a rich family and I can say I'm quite attractive. I rejected every boy who confessed to me because of Krist. He is the man for me and I'm feel like I have a chance.

"You didn't called me here just for you to daydream do you?" A stern voice snapped me back to reality.

I look up and saw Krist looking down at me with a blank look. Yes. You got it right. I'm finally going to confess so I called him here at the small garden near the parking lot.

"Ahmm. I'm sorry for that. I'm just organizing my thoughts. " I said smiling at him.

"So? What now? You're going to say something or I'll leave you to give you more time organize your thoughts?" He said raising his eyebrows. I blushed at his comment but I don't want to embarrass my self more.

"I like you.. No. I love you! Please Be my boyfriend." I loudly said looking at him directly on the eyes.

I was expecting him to maybe flushed on my bold confession or maybe a little shock but I saw nothing. He was just looking at me with bored eyes.

"Thank you. Was that all your going to say? I need to go then, I have more important matters to attend." He flatly said and turned around leaving me.  He was about meters away from me when I finally realized what happened.

"Wait!! Did you just rejected me!???" I shouted at him.

"Yes I just did. I thought it's clear." He said with a blank face and then turned around leaving me alone.

I was looking at his back shocked! How can he do this to me!! How can he reject someone like me that easily!! This is not what supposed to happened! He can't just reject me like that, I loved him for two years and he can't just gave me a black look saying he don't like me! NO HE CAN'T!!

I wiped my tears angrily as I followed him heading to the parking lot. I saw him walking towards a parked sports car. I was about to shout for his name when someone stood in front me causing me to lose my balance and fall on the ground.

"Don't you dare!'' P'Off together with his boyfriend Gun stood there looking down at me.

I stood up and face them. "Move out the way!!" I ordered them.

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