Part 26; The Lazy Day

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We got out of bed and sat down on the couch. I made some breakfast food for the two of us, pancakes and bacon.

We set up the T.V trays in the living room and set up Netflix. The first movie we watched was ' Dark Skies', it wasn't that great to be honest.

"So do you want to stay in all day? Or do you want to go to lunch?" Andrew asked.

"What about lunch?" I asked.

"Sure. Let's go to a really good diner I know of, it's just up the street. And we can go their in our pajama's." He said smiling.

I laughed and said, "Okay, but I need to put some pants on."

I put on some yoga pants, and we took a cab up to the diner. That was it's name, 'The Diner'

We walked in and we were happily greeted by the hostess. We sat down and each ordered our coffee.

After we ate, we walked home and watched more movies. We decided to watch 'Sinister' which, in fact, almost made me pee myself. 

While we were watching the movie, Andrew's roomate, Jim, walked in.

"Oh, um hi, sorry to interrupt." He said as he walked in.

"It's cool." Andrew replied.

I noticed he was looking at me, a lot. It started to freak me out a bit. We made eye contact, and he quickly ran away into his room.

" Is he always like that?" I asked.

"Sometimes, but not usually. he replied.

It was weird, but I didn't think much of it.

A few hours went by, and he still didn't come out of his room.

"Is he okay? I mean he's been in there for 4 hours?" I asked.

I was worried about him, even if I didn't know him.

"Yeah, he has a bathroom attatched to his room too. Why?"

"I don't know. He seems like he's acting weird, and when he saw me he didn't stop staring."

" I noticed. Just let it go, he won't do anything." he said as he made us dinner.


After dinner, we went to bed. We watched another movie in his room, and I saw a figure in the doorway. Andrew was already asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up.

"Hello?" I called.

The figure still stood there, not moving.

"Whose there?" I called again.

The figure didn't speak, or move.

I woke Andrew awake, and he turned on the light.

"Jim, what the hell are you doing?"

He stood there, looking into the bedroom. Looking at Andrew, and me.

" I-I-uhh." 

He was stuttering. It was very odd. Andrew had talked about Jim a lot, and by the way he was talking, he seemed like any other normal man.

"Jim, are you okay?" I asked.

I noticed that his white shirt had been stained.

"Jim what did you do?" I asked, again.

"I-uhh-i-um- I didn't- mean to, she just-"

"Jim, spit it out!" Andrew yelled.

"I-I killed her..." He said.

"Killed who?'

"J-j-jess-jessica." He stuttered again.

"Andrew, whose Jessica?" I asked.

" I have no idea." He whispered back.

"Jim, whose Jessica?"

"My, my-uh, my ex."

Andrew got up when he noticed the stain also. He went into Jim's bedroom, and there she was. His ex. Laying in his bed. Dead.


{ Sorry this one was so short. What did you think?}


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