Chapter 1

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The car engine roared as the key was turned. The sky was still pretty dark but was turning a pretty crescent orange color. Birds were chirping and singing their own little songs. "Sir, may I ask where you are heading?" An assistant asked walking to my car. He was awfully close to it as well. The assistant then slightly leaned against my car.

"Your a little too close to my car. I can easily get you fired so just a tip, watch what you're doing." My eyes were narrowed at the guy and he quickly stepped away from the car. I pressed on the gas and left the gates that surrounded my house. The scenery passing by was very pretty. Not many people were up at this time meaning the streets were practically clear. The street lights are still on, lighting up the areas they were near.

Finally, after arriving to the beach, I pulled into a parking space. It's not a very far drive here from where I live. The engine slowly died down once the key was turned and pulled out. I opened my door and climbed out of the car. After taking my shoes and socks off, I walked through the sand. It felt nice if I'm going to be honest. You know when the sand is a bit cold but also has that nice warm touch?

The sun was still slowly rising and as the minutes passed of me sitting by the water it raised a bit higher.

Eventually my phone began ringing with the annoying ringtone it has. I should really change the stupid ringtone. My eyes scanned the Caller ID. It was my father.


"Hello?" Suprisingly I kept my voice in check as I put the phone to my ear.

"Where the he-- are you!?" My father yelled making me pull the phone away from my ear. Why does he have to be so loud so early in the morning. Gosh is there no such thing as a peaceful conversation?

"Just down at a beach. Why do you want to know, sir?" I asked. Truth be told I already know why he wants to know. There was a meeting being held that my father wanted me to come to. But since my brother, Jeremy, was going to be there I rather not be involved with the meeting.

"Are you kidding me!? You went down to the beach when there's an important meeting starting in less than 10 minutes!?" He shouted again. It was taking all of the strength in me not to shout back right now.

"Jeremy is going to be there. He's already finished both high school and college so why isn't he enough for the meeting? Let alone the fact that I'm not even connected to your company. I don't work for you. So I simply cannot figure out the reason of my appearance being so important." I said as calmly as I could into the phone. The mere thought of going to see my brother made me want to gag. I began looking around the beach as a way to keep me calm. My eyes widened as I seen a figure further down the beach. Was someone laying down in the water? Well technically they are half way in the water seeming to have their upper half out of it.

Who in their right mind would be swimming in the ocean this early though?

I ended the call with my father before he could yell again. The figure wasn't moving. Were they okay? Before I could think of what I was doing, I was already walking over. Slowly I realized it was a girl. She was wearing a black hoodie that seemed to be a bit baggy, a pair of dark blue jeans, and her shoes seemed to be some old converse shoes. She looked like she was at least 16 or maybe 17. Her hair was a dark brown color with what seemed to be natural highlights. She was soaked from head to toe. Something was wrong.

I kneeled down and pressed a finger against a part of her neck to feel a pulse. It was slow, barley beating at all. My breathing hitched at the realization that this girl was drowning. I immediately began to do CPR on the girl, trying to get her to breath. "Please wake up.." I mumbled as I took a deep breath and breathed into her mouth before continuing to pump on her chest above her heart. After a good minute of doing the CPR she started to spit out water.

Thank God.

I stared at her as her eyes fluttered open slowly. Then she blinked a few moments before mumbling something and then her body went limp again. My heart dropped as I checked her pulse again which it was still beating. But it was still slow. "I have to get you to a hospital." My voice was shaky as I took off my jacket, wrapping it around her before, I picked her up.

" hospital.." She spoke still slightly unconscious before going out again. The first thought came to mind and I quickly tried it.

"Hey Jason. I need you to prepare a room as quickly as possible. I'm on the way back. I need you to make sure to have our best nurses in the room as well. Do you understand?" I asked into the phone. My voice sounded like I was a nervous reck. Which I was. My phone was resting on my shoulder and my head keeping it there.

"Yes sir" Was all he said before I hung up. The sky was already to it's full brightness. The birds were beginning to go on about their day. Everything was peaceful. But at this moment my mind was at full speed. I arrived beside my car and opened the back seat, carefully laying the girl down. She seemed to be troubled with a frown on her face. I hop inside the driver seat, starting the car up quickly. Then floored it to my house. Hopefully they can prepare the room before I get there. Using the rearview mirror, I glanced back at the girl, checking if she was okay. She was laying on her side with her hands curled up almost, laying by her head. My jacket was laying over top of her and one of her hands that were curled up was gripping onto a part of my jacket.

As soon as I arrived I immediately got out, not bothering to turn off my car, I went and got the girl. Two assistants ran out with worried faces. "What happened?! Who is she?!" The two asked. The girl was resting in my arms as I carried her bridal style inside. Both assistants were following directly behind me.

"I found her on the beach. She was drowning and has been going in and out of consciousness. Did you prepare the room like I said? With the nurses?" The assistants looked at me with their eyes wide but nodded. Well shit. They've never heard my voice as shaky as it is now. My eyes narrowed at them which seemed to make them shake. I couldn't help but notice how bad I was shaking too.

I mean that's not expected at all when you found someone who was barley alive. And you had to give them CPR. Then you had to take them over to your house so she can get proper care.

Yeah I so shouldn't be shaking. Yup don't make sense.

Note the sarcasm.

When we made it inside the assistants quickly took me to the room they had prepared. Which inside there was a large queen size bed with a lavender purple set of blankets, sheets, pillow covers, and whatnot. The lights were slightly dim and there was two nurses already beside the bed, ready. There was three large windows inside the room that had some beautiful purple curtains. The walls were painted an eggshell white color and there was a couple paintings up that were mostly just pretty landscape areas. There was one balcony in this room if you opened one of the large windows if I can remember correctly.

When I snapped back to reality I placed the girl into the bed and let the nurses get to work. "Mr. Johnson the meeting is in the conference room." Jason told me. My eyes once again narrowed at him. I love how he's so forward and bold although that's what makes me want to fire him. Jason avoided eye contact and looked at the girl. "I'm guessing your not going to the meeting? Do you even know this girl?" He asks me making me glare daggers at him.

"With all due respect, I don't think that's your place to ask. But I'll look over that for now. And yes I'm not going to the meeting. I have a gut feeling I should stay in here. She's only aware of my appearance when she was last conscious." I said with my voice slowly straightening back out to it's normal confident tone. Jason nodded.

"Very well, sir. Am I allowed to go now?" He asked very politely. I nodded my head and motioned him to go ahead. He left the room with his eyes focused on the floor. When my attention directed back to the girl I noticed they had already put an IV in her wrist. They also had something on her thumb that would help keep track of her heart rate. After a while the nurses had finished and left the room. I grabbed a chair that was in front of a mirror then brought it next to the bed. Once I had sat down the girl's hand started to twitch and slowly was turning into fists. My hand slowly grabbed hers, gently, hoping to calm her down. Which it seemed to work.

When she wakes up I really need to ask her for her name. And why in the world was she in the water? It's a miracle that I was there. If not she could've... yeah maybe I shouldn't finish that.

Word count: 1700

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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