Chapter 1

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"Hey, Kags. Race you to the gym?" Hinata asked, jogging up beside Kageyama. The setter gave the spiker a small smile.
"You're on."
They both sprinted up the hill towards the school, jostling each other out of the way.
They ran past Tanaka and Noya, both making their way to the gym before coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs to the clubroom.
They doubled over, panting and clutching to the railings in front of the stairs.
"I...won." Hinata proclaimed, still exhausted. Kageyama glared at him.
"D...dumbass. You had a headstart."
Hinata giggled and headed up the stairs, the setter right behind him. They entered the clubroom to be greeted by Daichi and Sugawara.
"Kageyama, Hinata."Daichi waved them over.
"Hey." They replied together, walking over towards them.
"Everyone else should be here soon. Take a set while you wait."

Time Skip~

As Kinoshita and Narita entered the club room, Daichi claps to gain everyone's attention.
"Okay guys, listen up!" Everyone sat down and looked up at him. They looked like children being told off by their dad.
"I don't want what happened yesterday to happen again." He turned to Hinata. "Don't only train with Kageyama," then he turned to Suga and whispered so the others couldn't hear him.
"And no smacking my ass during training." He frowned at the setter, who laughed.
"I promise I won't Captain." He smirked and winked. Daichi blushed and turned to face the rest of the team.
"Alright everyone, go set up the gym and start stretching. Coach should be there." He finished and everyone scrambled to get changed and head out to the gym.

Time skip~

It was Kageyama's turn to serve.
Hinata put a stray volleyball back into the ball cart and turned to see Kageyama serving. The ball reached Nishinoya, ready to receive on the other side of the net, who passed it back to the setter.
Hinata stared at him, in awe by the raven-haired boy's form, his attractive body, deep blue eyes and handsome face.
He was knocked out of his trance by Noya, who shouted in Hinata's face and snapped his fingers right in his ear.
The spiked jumped backwards, making the Libero roar with laughter.
"Why were you staring off into space like that Sho?" Noya gave him a puzzled look. Hinata looked away from Noya's prying eyes and blushed.
"I was just lost in thought. It's nothing." He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
"Okay, if you say so." Noya shrugged and ran back over to the court where Yamaguchi was waiting to serve.

Time skip~

"Hey Kageyama-Kun, toss for me?" Hinata asked Kags. It was nearing the end of practice and Hinata was itching for a few tosses from the setter.
"Sure." Kageyama nodded and headed on over to the court. He positioned himself in front of the net, Hinata placing himself opposite him.
He threw the ball up, ran towards the net and jumped. The setter tossed the ball towards him, giving it enough spin to stop in midair before Hinata spiked it to the other side of the net.
Hinata landed and looked at Kageyama, who was looking at him with a smile on his face. Hinata grinned.
It was nice to see Kageyama smile for once.
As they continued this routine; throwing, running, jumping, setting and spiking, Kageyama noticed how Hinata always looked so excited to get sets from him, like the idea of getting Kageyama's "special toss" always filled him with joy and happiness.
Not gonna lie, practising with Hinata always filled Kageyama with happiness and excitement and the small, cute spiker was always on his mind.
Kageyama had discovered the small (massive) crush he had on Hinata a week or two ago and even then he didn't let it get to him.
So why was it affecting him now?!
Without realising it, the two boys had stopped their practice and their eyes had met,
Copper meeting ocean blue,
Spiker meeting setter,
Light meeting dark,
Day meeting night.

Time skip to after practice~

"Looks like they're at it again." Tsukishima sighed. Yamaguchi looked over to where the blocker was looking and noticed Kageyama and Hinata arguing by the doorway. He let out a tired chuckle and a smile.
"Why do they fight so much?"
"They probably like each other and are both too stubborn to admit it. I mean, the way they argue, it's like they're an old married couple." Tsukki remarked. Yamaguchi snickered and agreed. Someone let out a bark of laughter behind them and they turned to see Tanaka and Noya walking up to them.
"Your probably right Tsukishima. Though I don't think you can say anything." Tanaka looked pointedly between Tsukki and Yamaguchi.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." The blocker retorted with a neutral face. Noya snickered and Tanaka turned his gaze to him.
"Well if you find it so funny, what about you and Asahi-san? I saw you getting pretty snugly with him yesterday." He knew he hit the mark when Noya blushed and stuttered, obviously flustered. Tanaka laughed with a smug grin, but Noya turned the tables on him.
"I saw you eyeing Chikara yesterday, what's going on there?" Now it was Tanaka's turn to be flustered. The other three laughed at his flushed face.
"I heard my name, did you guys need something?" Ennoshita came up between Tanaka and Noya, making Tanaka blush harder and for Noya to collapse in a fit of laughter, leaving a very confused Ennoshita.

A/N: This fanfic will be extremely casual, updates probs once a month or so, the first couple of chapters were written way beforehand while in quarantine so if the quality or quantity changes it's because of school and stuff.
So yeah, hope you enjoy!

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