Chapter 1

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*Dean's POV*

I keep having this dream. It's gone on for as long as I can remember and I've never gone a night without having it. I'm not sure what it means or why I keep having it, though. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's never happened to me. Maybe I should go to talk to mom about it.

As I jog downstairs, I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. 'It's just nerves, I'll be fine.' I tell myself.

When I walk into the kitchen, I see that mom is doing the dishes. Shit. I was supposed to do that.

"Hey, Mom?" I ask her.

"Yeah, Dean?" she answers back.

"Can we talk for a bit?" I ask nervously, my voice beginning to shake.

"Sure hon, what's up?"

"Well, I've been having this dream for as long as I can remember." I quickly stammer out.

"What about it?" She asks, suddenly worried. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

"Yeah, it's just, in my dream there's some woman. She looks like she's in her early 20s, with long, kind. of curly blonde hair and really pretty blue-green eyes. She's holding a tiny bundle, like a baby. She's just standing there, rocking it with this dreamy smile. Then, some man that kinda looks like Dad walks up behind her and stabs her, catching the baby while letting her dying figure crumple to the floor. It kind of looks like I'm in a corner and I'm coloring. I seem about four, I guess? Anyways, the man looks at me and realizes he can't just leave, I've seen too much. I know what he looks like. So he walks over to me and puts a cloth that smells sickly sweet, making me pass out. Sometimes this is where I'll wake up, but sometimes it keeps going. If it keeps going, I wake up in a room that seems underground, but looks really nice, like a finished basement. A lady that looks a bit like you walks over to me with a bundle, telling me that it's my new baby brother. The man from earlier came and picked me up, taking me to a cool, green room. And that's the end of my dream." I sigh at the end, I don't even need to think about it anymore, I'e had it so many times that I can recite it while sleeping.

"How do you remember that?" She whispered to me.


Ok, so that's the first chapter. I know it's really short but they'll get longer, I promise. I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger so yeah...

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