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This is only a one part story

Breath in....breath out....breath in....breath out....common....dont loose your focus....breath in....breath out....!!! just repeating what am doing....why are you all staring at already nervous here okay....forget won't even understand so just don't bother....!!! are still here.... people and curiosity these days.... huhhh....okay then let's just get directly to the point...!!!

I am nandini....24 years old....south Indian....single (for now) and am here waiting for


waiting for the person standing infront of me....manik....!!!

MANIK : hellooo

NANDINI : sorry...haa...hiii

MANIK : am sorry for getting late....have you been waiting since long??

NANDINI : no...its ok

MANIK : you are nervous

God....Is it that obvious....but then why wouldn't I be nervous....!!!

MANIK : can you say it a little louder I can't really hear you

NANDINI : sorry....its just that

MANIK : I understand


MANIK : I get that alot of things are going in your head but let's just order something first and then we can discuss it all


MANIK : you are scared now

NANDINI: well it's because

MANIK : your past doesn't really bother me If thats all your thinking about 

NANDINI: you don't want to ask anything?

MANIK : ask what...questions like what is your favorite color and all....well I would really like to but I don't think you want to waste time with those talks...!!!

NANDINI: you know what I serious

MANIK  : okay sorry....on the cost of making you uncomfortable....not really....but if you want to say something that's bothering you then I do want to hear it all....!!!

NANDIN: I don't know what you really heard but

MANIK : nandini....honestly speaking even am nervous like you but for my own reasons and even am not sure how things are going to go ahead with us but let's just make this meet lighter....lets be friends and have an open conversation and let's not worry about our future together....!!!

Okay....let me tell you am meeting this guy second time....when was the first time???....well it was just two days back at my house when he visited my house with his family who were invited by my family with a goal of our marriage together by both the families....!!!

MANIK : am taking your silence as yes so cappuccino???

NANDINI: always a cappuccino

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