The Last Night

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It was a warm September night. A couple was sitting at a booth. Their faces were filled with melancholy, though they both were hiding it by eating non-stop. It was the man's last night until he went to war. Both of them just had the best night with their two friends at the World Fair. It was supposed to be a double-date, but Steve ditched an hour in. The girl knew he had the strength in him to come back home. Many men in Brooklyn did. But what if he doesn't come back. She's left alone. Until the nine months go by. Then it's two left alone. She didn't want this night to be the night she told him she was expecting. God, she had no idea how it would go. Would he be happy? Mad? Anxious? There had been so many times she could've told him. Shit, they're not even married. Her parents are going to hate her. More him than her. Before she could think anymore, Bucky broke the tension. "Hun, you okay? You're kind of quiet." He chuckled but stopped when he saw her face. "Okay something is wrong, what is it?" 

She looked into his eyes then looked back down. "I'm expecting.." 

The boyfriend looked in confusion. "Expecting what?"

Paige couldn't laugh about how dumb her boyfriend sounds. She stuck her head up with a smile and said out loud, "A baby, you idiot!"

Buck didn't talk for a moment. He just sat there while his eyes started to water. "You're not kidding are you?"

"Not one bit."

He jumped out of the seat and hugged his girlfriend while tears rolled down both of his cheeks. 

Their walk back to their homes was the best walk they ever had. All they talked about was if it would be a girl or boy, what the name would be, and who the baby would look more like. 

"Oh! I know a good name."


"Jana. It sounds just like James. So if I don't make i-"

"Stop! Don't talk like that. Especially on your last night. I wouldn't be able to read that nasty note they send widows." 

He stopped at looked at his beautiful girlfriend. "Paige, I'm not going anywhere. Even if I die. No, let me finish. Even if I die, I'll still be with you. I promise I'll still be around."

Paige wiped her eyes, "You always make everything sentimental."

Buck laughed, "Well that's me." 

"You're a dork" 

He pointed at her, "You're a drama queen."

Both of them kept their conversation going until they had to say their goodbyes. Paige's house was lit up and music was playing inside. Her parents were still up. Bucky kneeled down and held Paige's stomach. "I'll be back Jana." 

"We're not sure if we're calling you that", said Paige while looking down. 

"Yes, we do!"

Paige went to hug her love for one last time, "Come back home after this is all over, promise me that."

"I swear on my life." Bucky went to kiss her hand and then walked off.

Paige stood on the curb for a few minutes, while watching her boyfriend drift away. A few times, Buck would turn around and smile, reassuring her that everything's okay. 

Once he vanished into the horizon, Paige looked at her growing stomach. "Well, it's just you and me for a little bit Jana." 

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