The Game

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Jordan had just finished filming for the day. Just some map exploration and audience interaction; casual gameplay that he didn't have to edit too much.

Even so, the last "next time" and salute had used all of the rest of his energy. He thudded his head on the desk, exhausted.

Ouch. Probably shouldn't have done that, he thought to himself.

He reluctantly lifted his head back up so he could close all of his tabs. He closed all the tabs he could, but the tab for Gmod itself wouldn't close.

That's... odd.

Jordan began to get frustrated with his computer and gave it a little bit of "percussive maintenance" for good measure. Still nothing. That one tab would not close.

He gave it one more hit, deciding that he would just give the computer a break afterward. Not literally a "break" but... just a rest in case the computer was just too overworked.

Nothing seemed to happen, so Jordan went to stand up.

His computer made a harsh crackle sound, making Jordan flinch and stay in his recording chair, albeit pressed further back into the cushioning.

He hesitantly reached forward and tried to close the tab again, hoping that whatever the heck that sound was might have fixed whatever wasn't letting the tab close.

The crackle sounded off again and the tab seemed to close, finally letting Jordan relax.

His screen flashed white, then seemed to turn off; Jordan was confused, but brushed it off as the computer itself crashing. Maybe the computer's connection wasn't as strong as he thought it was; he had just moved again, after all.

He went to stand up again, but something pulled him back in. Not knowing why, he kept trying to stand up, only to sit right back down.

He realized with shock and horror that his computer was what seemed to be pulling him in. He tried to pull away, scared of why his computer was doing this, but only got sucked in further like he was trapped in a tractor beam.

He only got to yell one last "help!" before he was gone from the real world.

It was too bad he had been left home alone.


Welcome to the new story! Be ready for a medium- to fast-paced beginning that delves quickly up and down ;)

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