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The clock's hand moves forward
Time passes through
It doesn't stop
It doesn't look back

Beautiful beginnings
And sad endings are experienced
People come
People go

Some people walk slow
Taking in the rich flow of life
That is felt by everyone
Enjoying it while it lasts

Some people walk fast
That they might miss
The beautiful fragments in life
All focused on surviving
But had forgotten living

Some people trip while walking
Carelessly skipping away in mud
Happily sliding in ice by the sides of the streets

When they slip, they'll laugh and say: 'It gives life a little kick, why don't you try?'

They all have one thing in common and that is they walked through it all in their own stride.

What ever challenges or burdens they may or have encounter they continue walking and finding ways to walk through the burdens in their own stride.

Their own flow of their life.

'One Frap for Hailey' The barista called. I went to the counter and mumbled 'thanks' and pushed the shop doors with a small smile.

As I took a sip of my Frap and blended into the sea of people walking through my life in my own stride.


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