Chapter One

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This is a Sequel of The other Universe. Anyways it's going to be the same of how y'all meet the Avengers the same conversations so it's starts with Two days later.

—A new beginning—

Y/f/n POV

The Avengers have been nice towards me and I love it. But I keep having these dreams or something that I don't understand.

Most of the time it's a good dream then it's a nightmare. I try to make sense of it, but at the same time I don't care about it.

I was in my room writing down as I looked around my room. I saw a notebook and I opened it.

It had my hand writing. I started to look at other things like a Venom creature lookalike. But it was called Scream.

I don't understand what's happening. I decided to leave my room. As I left my room.

I walked towards my kitchen and I saw Tony and he said "You okay?" I said "Yeah. Just tired." He said "I have someone new too the Avengers. His name is Spider-Man."

I said "Really?!" I smiled at him and he said "Are you a fan?" I said "Well yeah. I mean I love you guys, but Peter is sorta my favourite."

He said "You know his real name?" I said "Did you forget?" He said "No. It's just I thought you would've not know Spider-Man like that."

I said "Nope. Anyways when do I get too meet him." He said "Well he has school, but he'll come over too meet you."

I said "I'll be fine with that." I smiled at him and he smiled back. He left. I grabbed a water bottle, but I heard "You excited to meet him?"

I was startled and I saw Wanda and she said "Yeah. But don't worry I think your brother is still cool."

She smiled at me. She said "I wanted to know, but Y/f/n who's your crush?" I said "Well I don't like anybody like that, but having them as friends is awesome towards me."

She said "Your just so pure." She hugged me and I hugged her back. Until we heard a cough and I saw Nat. She said "What's going on here?"

I pulled back and I said "We just hugged that's all." I could tell that Nat was jelly. I said "Anyways I should leave. See you girls around."

I left quickly. As I walked somewhere else. Until I didn't notice that I bumped into someone. I quickly told them sorry.

I saw Maria with Fury. I said "Why you guys here?" Fury said "Mission stuff." I quickly said "Right sorry. Anyways see you around."

I left and I decided to get some fresh air. Until I heard someone yelling.

I saw a guy running and I ran towards him. As I followed him, but we were trapped. I said "Hand it over! Sir!"

He pulled his hoodie down and he growled at me. I said "Just put the purse down and nobody will get hurt."

He took something out and I quickly ran towards him. He pulled a gun out and I put my hands up.

He came closer and hit me a couple of times. I threw something at him. I took the gun from him.

I said "I won't shot you, but you can't steal from that women." He put the purse down and he put his hand up.

I knocked him out. I grabbed the purse and put the gun somewhere he can't find it.

As I had the purse on me and I walked towards the lady. I gave it too her. She told me thanks and I told her it was no problem.

I said "Don't worry he didn't steal anything from your purse." She smiled and she said "Dear you have bruises on you and blood on your lips."

I said "It's fine. Anyways by miss-." She said "May." I smiled at her and left.

I walked towards the tower. As I got their and I saw the team looking worried. I grabbed ice and made a ice pack for me.

Tony said "Who did this too you?!" I said "Just a mugger. I'm fine. Not the worst thing that has happened too me."

Nat said "You could've died!" I said "The one thing I asked for. Anyways I just knocked him out and gave the women her purse back."

Steve said "You could've called the cops or us." I said "I know, but it was by instinct too help that women."

Tony looked mad and I said "Anyways I should clean the blood." I went to the restroom and cleaned my blood and I pulled my shirt up.

Man that mugger did a number on me. I wonder why he growled at me? I heard the door knocked and I pulled the shirt down.

I opened the door and it was Wanda. She said "The team was wondering on how are you doing?" I said "I'm fine. Like I told them not the worst thing these has happened too me."

She said "What are you talking about?" I sighed and I said "Back in elementary school a group of bullies decided to hit me a lot of times.

My house was far and the one time I didn't make it too the bus. It was raining, cold, and night. The bullies found me and hit a lot of times.

One bully wanted to hide my body so nobody could save me. But I was lucky a cop found me in the streets with blood on me and bruises.

He arrested the kids. Once the kids parents got their. They had bail and I was left alone at my house. With no parents around."

She said "How did they know you didn't have parents." I said "They took me too a orphanage and I bounced a lot as a kid."

She said "What happened to your bullies?" I said "I don't know. I was far away from them."

She said "Why do you hide it?" I said "Because this is my life."

I left the restroom.

—1 hour later—

As the hole thing went down and them being protective, but they shouldn't. I meet Spider-Man and he is a cool dude.

Anyways Tony decided to make a party and for me I was just awkward person to be around. I was by myself.

Until I heard "Not okay with parties?" I looked around and I saw that miss Valkyrie was talking too me.

I said "Well I don't party that much." She said "Why exactly?" I said "Because I'm a awkward person to be around."

She said "Are you new to this whole Avengers?" I said "Well I don't have powers, but I have taken notes on them. They have interesting powers or no powers."

She giggled and I blushed. I said "Sorry I ramble too much." She said "No you don't. It's cute. So what's your name?" I said "My name is Y/f/n. What's yours?"

She said "Valkyrie. What more drinks?" I said "Sure." I followed her and we grabbed our drinks.

She said "Why do you say your awkward. You seem to have a great conversation with me?"

I was about too say something but I heard "Y/f/n!" I saw Nat with Wanda. It looked like Wanda was holding back Nat. They walked towards us and Nat said "M fav person."

I said "Hi Nat. What's going on Wanda?" She said "Sorry about her. I'll try to pull her away."

Nat said "No! I wan sta here." I said "I know, but Nat Wanda wants to take you to the bathroom."

Nat said "Sont nee to go." Wanda got too her. Valkyrie said "Well that was interesting." I said "Sorry about the whole situation."

She said "It's fine cutie. Anyways want to leave this party." I was about to say something but I heard.

—To be continued—

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