Chapter One

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Yamaguchi's POV

I woke up to alarm going off, signaling that it was time to get ready for school. Slowly getting up and shivering because of the freezing temperature in the room, I made my way to my closet to get my clothes and a jacket. 

After getting ready, I made my way downstairs to get my bag, bento box, and shoes. 

Heading out the door, I walk down the street and wait at the intersection for Tsukishima. He's been my best friend since he stood up to my bullies for me when we were younger. I don't know how to tell him that I like him. 

I spot him coming and we both walk to school together. 

"Good morning, Tsukki," I say, smiling to him. Despite it being cold, he makes me feel warm inside. "Morning, Yamaguchi," he says. 

Walking the rest of the way in a comfortable silence we arrive at the school gates and walk into the school. 

We walk to class together. Tsukishima sitting in the seat in front of me. While waiting for class to start I look at Tsukshima and admire him. I love looking at his eyes, they're so warm and you could definitely get lost in them. But I don't look into his eyes often in fear of him getting angry at me for doing so. Another thing I love is his smile. He only smiles when he makes fun of Hinata. Speaking of Hinata, he likes to pick on him because he's short and that makes him laugh a lot. I like hearing him laugh. 


The morning went by quickly. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi are eating lunch together in class, Yamaguchi talking about volleyball while Tsukishima listens. 

"How was your lunch today? My lunch was really good and I want to go home already but we have practice after school," Yamaguchi says to Tsukshima.

Tsukishima doesn't say anything for a while. "Oh, yeah, practice."


After school ends, the pair head to the club room to change and they head to the gym together. Entering the gym and seeing everybody there, they warm up and have a practice match. 

Daichi, Tanaka, Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima on one team. Suga, Noya, Asahi, Ennoshita, Narita and Kinoshita on the other team. (sorry, heh.)

Serving first is Asahi. He gets his serve in and Tanaka recieves the volleyball, making sure it's high enough for Kageyama to set the ball to Hinata. After doing their freak quick attack they score a point and they continue playing until three sets are played. Yamaguchi's team winning two sets. 

"Tsukki, you played great today!," Yamaguchi says to Tsukishima who is drinking from a water bottle.

 "Shut up, Yamaguchi," replies to Yamaguchi. 

"Gomen, Tsukki," Yamaguchi says, scratching his head and chuckling a little. 

"Ok guys, clean up and then we can head home," Daichi yells. Everyone starts cleaning up, Hinata and Kageyama are getting mad at each and racing to see who can finish first. 


AN: sorry, this is the first book i've ever written in my life and i don't know how to write in first person. what a joke, i know. but please let me know how this chapter is and where i need to improve. if you have any suggestions you can message me. thanks for reading. :) xx

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