Chapter 1

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10:25 A.M

John Laurens groaned in pain as he was carried away from by medical practitioner as they held the ends of the bedpan carrying him into the tent. With each jost of the bed moving made him groan and bared his teeth in pain as he breath heavily through his nose as he found himself bleed out.

"He's losing a lot of blood" One of the practitioners said looking at one another before laying the blond haired man on the bed. John groaned as he shut his eyes and hisses as more excruciating pain racked his entire body from his head to his legs.

"Put pressure on the wound Now!" One of them yelled out as he walked away looking for the medicine supplies he need. John looked up at one of them his icy blue eyes scanned the man's face.

"Where was Alexander" He thought to himself as he felt his white wrinkled shirt being ripped out exposing his pale chest. His eyes narrowed as he tried to see the bullet wound lodged into his abdomen.

The practitioners came back with a mask one and stood to the side of John as he had a pair of tweezers in hand. "Now this is going to hurt a lot. If he jumps up hold him down" He said instructing the other male who only nodded.

"Hamilton....." John mutterd under his breath as he grab a hold of the other male's wrist looking at him. He looked down at him "Clam down son.... It's going to be okay" He said reassuringly to him.

"Laurens!?" A voice called out quickly  running into the tent. ", LAURENS OH MY GOD!!" The Ginger-haired man said eyes widened and face peel as a blank sheet of paper. John turned his head as he looked at the red-headed short male. Suddenly John's body made a sharp jerking motion as he  felt cold mental go inside of him twisting and turning trying to get the bullet out if him. He screamed in pure agonizing pain as they tried desperately to removed the bullet from within him.

It felt as if someone was playing inside of him and just pulling out and rearranging his organs around while he was still up and breathing.

Alexander winched as he covered his ears due to the Pierce shrinking cry that his friend made. He let out a wimpers as he looked up at John who body was slightly lifting off the table as he uncovered them.

"The bullet is really deep inside there" The doctor mutterd under his breath. "I don't think I can remove it" He said putting his tools down. "What!??" Alexander yelled out gritting his teeth together as he looked at the two of them. "What do you mean you can't get the damn bullet out if him!!?" He cried out.

"I'm saying that there is nothing that we can do...... I'm sorry, it's best to say your goodbyes" He said sighing.

Alexander looked at them in shock as he crossed over to John who was still laying in the table looking weak as every. Alexander looked down at the dying man in front of him as tears filled his violet colored eyes.

John gimmick as he looked up at Alex's crying face. Alexander sobbed as he shut his eyes "I'm so sorry John..... I'm so fucking sorry...." Alex said through tears. John took a deep breath only to winche in pain "It's okay... Alexander.... Don't blame yourself"

What John said only made Alexander cry even harder. "How can I been so student Alexander said looking Down at him "Why didn't I just f-f-fucking listen to you when you told me to stay.... Non of this wouldn't have happened" He said voice shaking at the end.

John grab Alexander's hand and lifted it towards his lips as he kissed his hand trying to smiling softly through the amounts of pain he was in.

"Alex, my dear boy...... I-it's okay. Don't blame your non of this is you're fault. He groaned as he continued "I'm the one we jumped in to save you I'm the one who risked my life to protect you even though you don't listen.... I still stopped you from getting hurt... So don't ever blame yourself" John's said gimmicking again.

Alex kneeled down by John's side as he stated to squeeze his hand looking up at Laurens little by little and he would squeeze back.

It was a little signaling technique to do when they are alone together to see was okay.

One squeezes that was soft meant "yes, I'm okay" another squeeze that was  slightly hard meant"I'm fine" and  another squeeze that was really hard meant "I'm not okay".

In this case Alexander squeeze John's hand very hard, John said nothing but only squeezes His hand twice telling him "That everything was going to be okay".

Alexander sniffed and continued to hold John's hand through.

3:05 A.M

A hour later has passed and Alexander was still holding John's hand not knowing that he had passed away in his sleep.

Alexander squeezed John's hand again hoping to get a sudden ittle squeeze back in return.


He squeezed again but this time a little harder

There's no response

Alexander squeeze a 3rf time but still there is no response. "Jacky....??" Alex said in a feeble tone as he looked up to see John laying still and skin pale like the death.

Alexander's eyes widened "N-no.... John wake up....??" he said in a panicky tone "Jacky!! Get up!!" He said putting both hands on him and shaking the man aggressively as tears sting in his eyes. "John.... John... Jacky..... LAURENS WAKE UP!!!!" He cried out "please wake up..... You can't leave me...."

"Not know.... Not like this" Alexander said sobbing and crying hard.


John Laurens died on August 27 1782 at 3:05 A.M in the morning.


Somewhere else in New York City in a hospital the high pitch cry of a baby boy with icy blue eyes and dark tan skin complexion with freckles was born.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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