Chapter 1 - How it All Went Down

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Leeza's POV-

I got up off the ground slowly. We have visitors and there is no way the girl is going to step across the border. I lost my patience when the two guys had been standing there on our side for nearly five minutes trying to coax her over. I signaled for Zena to pounce on one of the guys on three. One... I had to mouth the words because I would have scared them away if I had said anything out loud. Two... Three! In a flash I had one of the guys pinned and Zena had the other. We loaded Zena's into the truck first and we almost had mine in when the most amazing smell, Honeysuckle and cinnamon, hit me. I knew who ever it was, was getting close and then suddenly a growl erupted from the hottest man alive, No don't think that way Sabrina. You know better. He turned to the girl who had refused to cross over, and said the most disturbing thing ever.

"Chloe, leave. We're over."

Before the girl has enough time to process what he said, I jump into the truck and hit the gas pedal. Zena doesn't ask what happened, because she knew what was going to happen ten minutes ago. We all have our own special power. Zena's is the gift of telling the future, but only ten minutes ahead of when it happens. Ashley was given the gift of persuasion, and I, the last white wolf, don't have my gift... Yet. The girls were given their gifts after they first shifted, but when I first shifted I blacked out and met the Moon Goddess.


"Mom! My blackouts are back!" This is what I have been saying for the last two years. This year they are worse. Every time my mom takes me to this weird hospital where everyone growls at my mom. I mean really growls. She has plenty of money but when it comes to my blackouts she goes to the cheapest, most illegal looking place ever. Mom is the lead singer of a really popular band, called The Blasted Lights. Here we are at the same place all over again. We come here so often the doc Rafe and I are on a first name basis.

"Hey Leeza! You blacking out again?" Rafe tries to make me laugh every time we come here, but has always failed. Miserably.

"Why else would we be here, Rafe?" He just doesn't get that Mom doesn't like coming here because of the nurses' weird behavior.

"Well would it kill you guys to just visit?" Mom thinks it would. Rafe looks like he heard what I was thinking. Weird.


"GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Without me your daughter would be exactly what I have told you about every year since the beginning of her blackouts!" Rafe isn't the only person here who growls, everyone does. This isn't the only time Nurse Jenny has come in, calmed down Rafe, and left either.

"How bad can it be if she is under the protection of your pa-" Mom has always starts to ask this question but always stops and I have stopped asking what it is I need protection from.

"Don't even think that Alph- boss will allow that to ever happen." Why did he almost call his boss Alf?

"Fine. Just fix her. Please." Mom acts as if I am broken, not like I just get dizzy spells.

"Will do." Rafe sounds so old when he says this. He can't be any older than 24, yet he acts like he could be my dad who would be 35 this year. My dads age was all Mom would tell me about my dad, other than he left us for some model in New York City who is my age. I called him a creep for two years after I found out.

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