The hero with the power to rein over the World

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Izuka POV
When I got to class everyone was talking among themselves. I sat down in my seat and Ochako and I started talking and she told me "Hey deku-kun I heard that there's gonna be a new student." She said with a smile to which Izuku said "Really I wonder why this late into the school year". (USJ happened a month later)And Bakugou actually responded with "Who cares you damn nerd but I can't wait to crush this damn extra" she said with malice. Bakugou Katsuki (it's a gender neutral name)was a girl with long blonde hair and crimson eyes and explosive personality that goes along with her quirk. After that ms.aizawa entered the class and everybody quieted down. After that she made an announcement "Ok everybody I have an announcement but I'm guessing you've already heard that we're having a new student which is true but we're having two. And trust me it's surprising". A lot of them were confused on what she meant but that thought was cut off buy her saying "Come in" in a monotone voice. And just then the doors opened.

Two giant boys walk in to the class the were at least six feet high which was surprising considering they didn't have QUIRKS!!!!!. Iida Teya a girl with long blue hair and engines on her legs then said "Sir are you sure it's wise to have them in the hero corse without quriks they would be a burden to us all" she said while doing robotic hand motions. But Aizawa-Sensei replies with "That's what I thought at first Iida but after seeing what they could do I changed my mind real quick" she said while smirking "But first lets have them introduce selfs."

Nobody POV
The giant boy with blonde hair walked up and said "My name is Ken d. Brando my power is something I'll tell you when you've earned my trust and my hobbies are reading and gaining more power." Then the boy with brown hair walked up and said "And my name Erikku ice and the you'll have to fight me to see my power and my hobbies include protecting my friend here and eating" When they stopped talking every one started yelling "WAIT YOU GUYS HAVE QURIKS" everyone shouts at the same time."Enough" Aziawa said with her quirk activated everyone shut up after that "Thank you. Now we're going test their power against the strongest in the class which would be Bakugo "Suck it extras" Todoroki "...ok..." Krishima "yeah that's so manly" you're a girl Krishima and Midoriya "w-what are y-you s-sure i-it's me" don't sell yourself short kid now everyone get up and go to battle center B".

King crimson

Everyone except Izuka,Bakugou,Todoroki,Krishima,Ken and Erikku were in the monitor room discussing what would happen "Who do you guys think is going to win" Ochako asked. "I think it's gonna be those four cause their's no way they actually have quirks they must've been bluffing" said a girl with blonde hair that had a black lighting bolt her name was Denka Kaminari. "Yeah she's right it's genetically proven that boys can't get quirks" Momo Yaoyorozu said. "Everyone quiet it's about to begin" said Ms. Aziawa still in monotone voice.
Izuka Pov
While we're waiting we started talking about what there powers could be "I Think Ice-sans power might have to do with one of his hobbies like eating" I said in a thinking tone "Quite you damn nerd all I need to do is put these extras in there place" Kacchan said with a evil grin. "You know the girl is right by the way" as soon as those words were spoken kacchan was blown back into the wall of a building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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