You Only Live Once: Honoring Mitch Lucker

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  • Dedicated to the Lucker Family

Canonize is to glorify or honor someone.

I honor Mitch Lucker.

He is a legend.

He touched so many hearts.

He impacted so many people. 

He revolutionized a genre.

Not only a genre, but he revolutionized a generation.

He was a great musician.

He was a great father.

He was a great husband.

He did the best damn fucking stomp out there.

I’ve never met him, but I feel like I knew him. When I heard of his passing it hit me like a fucking freight train.

I cried.

and cried

and cried.

I cried for the girl who lost her daddy. 

For the wife who lost her husband. 

For the parents who lost their son. 

For the fans who lost their idol.

For anyone who loved and respected him.

I cried because I could never imagine losing anyone I love.

I cried because I could never meet him. 

I cried because we all take life for granted.

I cried because life isn’t fair.

I cried

and kept crying

until I couldn’t cry anymore.

Go ahead and laugh at me for crying for someone I never met. 

Mitch is in my heart. Always was and always will be.

rest in peace Mitch.

Go fucking nuts up there.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2012 ⏰

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