The Romance Story oof

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(A/N: For the whole book, I will recommend you to read this in the 'Courier' font. It will help you feel in a Homestuck like setting)

There was a woman standing at the water's edge.

Persona Fandom, a blameless lady in the full bloom of youth, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the navy water with her guileless inky orbs. Her short white hair rustled lightly in the ocean breeze. She smiled to herself with anticipation, resting her cheek against one hand as she adjusted her glasses.

She wore an ivory sailor shirt that left her coral-flushed alabaster arms bare and she relished the feel of fresh air against her silvery, tinted with henna, legs. Her cerulean coiffure brushed against her earlobes, complementing her gentle plush-flushed platinum visage. An elaborate tattoo snaked its way around her visible skin. A prominent scar stood out on her cotton candy-flushed light-colored skin. She stood, awaiting her love.

It must have been fate in mortal form that brought them together. She knew from the moment she laid eyes on him that they were meant to be. From then on, they were inseparable. They shared every part of their life with each other. That was how it was to this very day.

"Persona," JJBA said simply with eyebrows arched and a smile on his face. His heterochromatic windows to his soul complimented his onyx mane, brushing against his ears, belying his unique heart. He was dressed in his usual everyday clothes. His khaki body rippled with muscle. The elaborate Joestar birthmark snaked its way around his visible skin. A symbol marked his skin.

"Oh, My man! You came!" Persona said breathlessly, reaching out to take him into an embrace. He let her hug him, seeming almost embarrassed about it as he patted her back. With that, they began to walk along the beach.

"You know. Sneaking arond. Saving the world. Sweeping a fine lady off her feet." JJBA gave her a self-assured grin. "Other than that? Nothing important."

She laughed and lightly shoved his arm. "Oh, you. You're such a..."

"Rogue? Beast? Uncontested master of awesome?"

"Rogue," she said lightly. "Definitely rogue." JJBA leered at her before reaching to ruffle her hair, leaving her white hair askew. "Oh, stop it!" she protested lightly, running her fingers back through her hair to straighten it out, all the while smiling. JJBA  grinned. JJBA lapsed momentarily into an uncharacteristic silence. Persona angled her head in response. "What is it?"

"I just keep thinking about how long it's been since we met, you know. I mean, I know it hasn't been that long -- but..." A serious look passed over his face. "It's like you've always been there."

Persona shrugged and looked away. For a moment, JJBA's heart hammered in his chest, but then she looked back toward him and he saw that she was blushing. "We've been through a lot together."

That was the truth. She tried to remember just how long it was since they'd met -- but before she had a chance to, she found JJBA's fingers under her chin, tilting up her face to press their lips together.

When they parted, Persona's globes ran speechlessly across JJBA's  face. "We're in public," she whispered.

"I know."

Then she looped her arms around his neck, and did it again.
As they walked, they came across a part of the sea that looked darker than the rest.

"What's that?" Persona asked.

"The locals say the lair of a sea monster lies in that ravine," the fandom said. Just as he finished talking, a roar pierced the air. "Watch out!"

The sapphire waves swelled and surged, and JJBA ran up the sea shore with Persona's hand in his. From the frothing pearly foam emerged the head of a killer whale, which let out a screech that rent the sky. It bared its glinting sharp canines at them.

"It looks hungry," she remarked with a hint of trepidation.

"It's not going to eat us!" JJBA said firmly. Ever prepared, he whipped out his weapon. "Go! I'll protect you. I'll make sure of it!"

"Wait! Jojo! I want to help!" Persona, too, was prepared.

"Persona..." he started to say, but there was no time to argue -- the whale lunged for him, and he jumped away, the whale's teeth burying itself in the sand. Then they launched a counter-strike: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fandom struck a blow first, along the beast's back, and then Persona Fandom second, along the whale's exposed underside. The monster roared in outrage before slipping back into the sea.

Panting for breath, Jojo asked, "Are you hurt?"

Persona shook her head. "I'm fine."

"That was more trouble than I bargained for." He offered her his hand. "Stick tight. You never know what else might spring out of the sea."

Persona held onto his hand as the radiant tangerine sunset began to fill the sky.
"Look... it's the sunset."

Persona lifted her head at JJBA's words to behold the dying sun's flaming radiance. "How beautiful."

After a moment of silence, he took Persona's hands in his and said quietly and seriously, "Persona, I need to say something. Without you, I would be the sea without the moon -- the moon without the sun -- a fishing rod without a hook. Heh, you're adorable when you smile. But... you're special to me. I'm serious."

"Jojo..." she breathed in response. "You are special to me too. You are my moon and stars."

He brought their clasped hands to his lips. "Then... so long as you will it, we will never be parted."

Persona sighed with contentment and brought him closer. She gazed at the beautiful sunny rays of the falling sun, thinking about everything that had transpired on this day and all that would pass between them.

"You'll hurt your eyes doing that," JJBA added.

Persona looked at him instead. "I love you, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure."

"I love you too, Persona."

Their lips met, and cobalt strands met sable ones, aflame in the dying light. The sand was their witness and the rumbling ocean their approving audience, and Jojo, her eternally faithful lover. Persona thought to herself that nothing could be more perfect in the world.

Except that Homestuck just showed up out nowhere, being the third wheel.

Homestuck's expression is priceless to say the least, "WOW. You both finally got together, to be honest, I was waiting for that day to come."

Both Persona and JJBA blushed in embarrassment from his comment, but at least they still get to be buddies. After all, everything goes bizarre here.

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