Sorry, My Bad.

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Hi, I hope you injoy this story as I'm a failure at Grammar. I just like writing stories even if I'm bad so I wanted to join this site (by the way i'm new) & see what I can do to improve by your comments. Please comment & rate. I'd really appriciate it. Thankyou, urm, enjoy.


"My name is Acacia meaning hidden love, beauty in withdrawal. You must be icecream meaning I'm going to eat you up because you're TASTY." I woke up with the sound of my alarm clock, head first & butt on bed. What a weird dream, I signed to myself. Nothing was going right these days. With all the caios of me searching for a job while attending University & finiding a husband. Yeah, I said HUSBAND. My mum has this thing about me having to have a husband when I turned 19 & as a normal teenager you'd probally think I'd protest but I'm not that sort, well.. I might have if my mum was alive which she isn't so I just decided to sick for her words & make her happy.

Don't pity me.

My mum & dad died in a car accident when I was 17 or that's what I've been told. Believe me, it was the worst day of my life. My parents were the only thing I had so since then I've been living by myself getting hired & fired on & off with loads of jobs. I don't really know what I do wrong to get fired but I kind of figured out that everyone thinks pity of me & I couldn't handle much things because my parents were gone. Geez, my parents only died when I was 17 ok ? You might be wondering I don't sound that sad, well that's because I've gotten used to it.

 I disliked every single person in this town. I really wanted to move to a diffrent place but hadn't had the money with feeding myself, paying rent & paying to attend Uni. Yes, when I get out of Uni then I'll get a very good job which makes lots of money so I could go anywhere, espically New York. That city had been my dream place scince I was 7. My dad had told me a story of one of his journies because he was a traveller & that's how he earned money so I didn't get to see him alot of times but when he's come home he's tell me his fascanating stories of his travels. He was a very good story-teller & every time he visited I would nag him to tell me a story straight away but he's protest & said he'd only tell me at bed-time One day though he told me a story about his trip to New York. This was the greatest story he ever told. The discription of the city dazzled me. I wanted to se the lights at night, I wanted to see the Statue of Liberty, go on it & see the whole wide city by the palm of my hands. His story got my thinking so I decided to save up, collecting all the pocket money I had, doing jobs & everything you could emagne a kid doing to get money. I saved enough the day I turned 17 (just to mention I live in England) but that's when it happened. I cared for my parents. I wanted the best for them so I used my money to pay for the best hospital around. Yes, where I lived we had to pay to the hospital as out town was very poor.

I know you guys thought I wasted my money as they died but I felt glad because I did something good for them. How I save up for my trip to New York is just the siplest way really. When I had change left every day I'd put it in a little jar I had. I wouldn't give up that easily, I was a strong girl and I knew I had to go to New York. I had promised to myself...


"Holy Cow ! I'm late for my intervew. " Acacia grabed her clothes changing on her way to the kitchen. She gulped her cerial down making her cholk at some points. Finally she tied her hair back into a bun & applied a little amount of make-up. there, she thought, that should do the trick. Acacia hurried down the pavement from her house & came to her car suddenly realising that she forgot her car keys when she was in a hurry. Just her day, she thought. So then she had t go back to her house to get her car keys. Acacia was now 5 minutes late & she'd have to take 10 minutes to get to the intervew. At this point she was sure she'd get fired.

as acacia made her way out of the parking lot & into the building she spotted her boss. As she tried to hide away he gazed across to her smirking. Geez, he was HOT. She wondred how old he was. Her boss made his way across to her with his face now into a fury.

.Acacia's point of view.

I gasped staling one quick breath of air. "Urm, Mr.Harvey, I know I'm late for work. I'm sorry that won't happen again. I promise next-"

"In my office now Miss." I stared at him wondering why he hadn't shouted at me. Before I could help myself a grin appered on my face. I was not going to get FIRED! I was not GOING to get fired. This was great. Forgetting that Mr.harvey had asked me to come to his office I was too busy being happy.

"Urhm, Miss. I'm asking polietly". I blinked. Oh My Gosh. What am I doing ?! He had let me off for being late &^ now here I was not doing as he said but grinning like a cow at myself. I looked at Mr.Harvey.

"Ugh, sorry Mr.Harvey, I guess I was dozing off for a second". A grin made through his face & I started to blushed.

"Don't worry Miss. ugh ?"

"You can call me Acacia Mr.Harvey". I smiled politely.

"Ok Acacia, come to my office". His grin grew larger, almost a cheesy smile.

"Yes sir". I blushed like a tomato as pictures filled my head. What the hell was I thinking. I shook my head violently. Stop it, stop thinking about this. I was shuch a pervert somethies.

I followed Mr.Harvey to his office. When we reached there he locked the door turning to me with a wide smile on his face. My heart beated rapidly. Thumping really hard. I could even hear the sound of my heartbeat. No I shook me head again, he probally just locked the door so we two could have some privacy. Some privacy ?! What was I thinking ?!! Mr.Harvey came closer to me, his grin wider & wider.

"Urm, Mr.Harve-"

"Michael". He said. "Just call me michael".

"Ok, urm, Mr- Michael. Why did you lock the door ?" My voice was shaking now. why was I so afaried ? I mean he wasn't going to do anyth-.

I gasped as his lips pressed agaisn't mine. I pushed away scared.

"What are you doing Mr.Harvey ?!"

"I was just kissing you". he was smirking so wide that his teeth was showing.

"But Mr.Harvey. Urm-." I was shaking so hard now as my heart was thumping rapidly.

"I love you Acacia." With this he kissed me again, trying to force me to put his tounge in my mouth.

Once again I pushed away but with more force as Mr.Harvey was holding onto me more tightly.

"But sir, we only just met. you oviousley can't love me". A pain washed over me. Why was I so upset with what I said ? I wanted to kiss him more. Wait, WHAT!??! What the heck am I saying.

"You're saying I'm not allowed to love you. Once you fall for somebody, you fall for somebody. Everyone should know that". Mr.harvey started laughing. " Oh, you make me like you even more". He laughed again.

What the heck was happining ? I fell for a man I just met who was my bodd 7 he fell back for me.? No way, this could not be happining. mabye he was a player. mabye he this to every girl who was new. yeah, that's probally it. A releaf washed through me.

"how could you think Acacia, I wouldn't do that". He grinned at me making a very long eye contact. What he just said just answered my question. Wait- Could he read minds ?! No way, that's like impossible. No human could really do that.

"Yes they certenly can Acacia. Well you're right. They cant. Anyways". he wispered in my ear. " I'm not a human so I can read minds. This one of my hidden talents". I stared at in him horror. He must be kidding right. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. I couldn't even move or blink. Mr.Harvey came closer. i wanted to run away but there was no chance because as well as being frozen on the ground mr.Harvey was also holding me ahrd. I wanted to shout but nothing came as his lips gently touched mine. What the hell was he going to do ?!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2010 ⏰

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