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R2-D2 warbled tentatively as he rolled into the room.

All was quiet save for the gentle hum of the Tantive IV's hyperdrive in motion. The golden droid sat upright on the edge of a table, wires attached to the back of its open skull plate. The golden droid turned to face R2-D2, its blank face showing no sign of recognition.

"Hello. My name is C-3PO, it is a pleasure to meet you."

R2-D2 whistled sadly. They had taken everything, the droid had no memory of their adventures or their friendship.

"Where am I?" Threepio said, a waiver of uncertainty in his voice. R2-D2 whistled a reply.

"The starship of Senator Bail Organa, under the command of Captain Antilles?" C-3PO considered. "On our way to the royal court of Alderaan? I must be very important then."

R2-D2 swivelled his dome back and forth, the astromech equivalent of shaking his head. Threepio hadn't lost his sense of grandeur at least.

There was so much he wanted to tell his friend, so much that he couldn't. He wished he could tell him what had happened to their friends, how they had lost poor, kind Padmé, who had honoured him with bravery all those years ago.

How the galaxy had been betrayed and that the two droids were now in hiding.

"Well, at least my servos are all intact," Threepio said, dangling his legs from the workbench. Thank the maker!"

The maker. Anakin, or whatever he had become.

Perhaps Threepio was better off not knowing. That the memory wipe was as much a kindness as a safety precaution. R2-D2 felt all of that sadness but no one had tried to wipe his memory. It was his burden to carry. Secrets too. He could do that.

But could he let his friend lose his memories again? No. R2-D2 would not let that happen to his brilliant, infuriating friend.

Senator Organa was deeply opposed to the new regime, the plucky little astromech knew that much. General Kenobi and Senator Amidala had both trusted the man. And there was the question of the child, the little girl that would soon become a princess.

He knew it was up to Threepio and him to look after that girl, to protect her. Perhaps the Senator would use the droids to rebel in some way. They had served loyally during the clone wars but it felt to R2-D2 like the fight was only just beginning.

R2-D2 was resolved. He would back up Threepio's memories from now on. He knew they would both do whatever was asked of them – even if Threepio complained about it – but he also knew that he could not lose any more friends.

Never underestimate a droid...

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