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It was a dark night. Bella

was walking down the street

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was walking down the street. The weather was starting to change. it was getting colder. If anyone was close enough they could smell the whiskey on her breath.

She had just come from the club, where her and the team had been at celebrating. They had just taken down a man who had been torturing woman with acid until they were completely unrecognizable. Bella half way in the middle of the investigation Derek had ordered her to go to the hospital because she kept throwing up, but there was nothing that could be done except they did give her something to help with the nausea. she didn't have a weak stomach, but the photos of the girls had made her sick. the man who had been responsible was a very sick and twisted man.

Of course there were more than him out there in the world, but what could they do except find them and get them off the streets.

Her mind was a little fuzzy, it had been a long time since she had tasted alcohol, especially one at that strength, but she managed to keep up with the others. Even thought, they hadn't had as much as she did.

She was pretty sure Derek and JJ were the only ones to drink as much as she did. it was then that Bella had made her decision, there was no way that they were human.

She walked through the town as she headed home, sure she could have called a cab, drove him her self, but she had chosen to walk on this night, which in hide sight was stupid on her part, she was clearly drunk and anything or any one could attack her in any moment.

Hearing a pop, she stopped and looked around. She was at the park. The only lights were the street lamps.

Her hand went to her side where her gun was at in the gun holster.

She started to walk again, how ever as she turned to start walking she was surprised to find a man standing there, this man was Ares, god of war.

She started to walk again, how ever as she turned to start walking she was surprised to find a man standing there, this man was Ares, god of war

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Letting out a slow breath she relaxed.

"Ares, you startled me!" Bella said with a smile and looked up the man.

"You are drunk" ares said as though it was obvious as he brushed the hair from her face.

"I have had a very long day" bella replied with a sigh.

"So I have heard" ares said with a laugh. "Phosphoric acid?" He asked.

"Dont laugh, he hurt his victims" Bella scowled as he took her arm into his hand and held it up.

Her arm was bandaged up. "Cut your self again?" He asked.

"Bullet grazed me" bella shrugged. She yelped as he picked her up tossing her over his shoulder and began walking

"Ares?!" Bella exclaimed fighting back a drunken giggle.

"How about we go and have some fun?" He asked as he continued walking down the street.

"Ack! Ares! If I throw up on you" she started to say.

"You throw up in me and I will beat the crap out of you" Ares threatened as a black van was driving by.

"Oh look, your friends are stopping to say hi" he said.

"What?!" Bella looked up quickly with a look of horror and saw Emily, Penelope and Reid, they were all drunk as hell.

"Hey are you alright?" Emily called out.

"She had a little bit too much to drink fellas. Taking her home" ares said with a smirk. "Of course you are more than welcome to follow us to make sure I am telling you the truth" he added.

"Quit being jerk" Bella said struggling to make him let her down, but his firm grip was too strong.

"Then again you might not want to. This own is getting her self into trouble" ares said with a smirk.

Bella yelped tensing up. "Ares!" She squeaked reddening. "I work with them" she grumbled hiding her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"Uh..ok...are you sure you are ok Bella" Emily asked.

"I'm fine" bella groaned. "Embarrassed but fine" she added to her self with a sigh.

"Alright...see you tomorrow" emily said before driving away.

Ares snickered.

"That is so fucked up" bella grumbled squirming trying to break free from his grip.

"You are definitely going to be questioned tomorrow" he said as they continued their journey.

Bella felt her self relaxing when they finally crossed the door into her home.

Bella yelped as she was thrown down onto her bed. "You are going to be the death of me" she gasped out.

Ares looked down at her with a smirk. "You are the one who chose to be my partner in crime" he said.

"Well partner...you are here for a reason which means you are bored or you have a job" bella said as he dropped down onto the bed beside her.

"Well I am bored" ares smirked as he leaned over and kissed her. "Dad wants us to watch over baby sis" he said. "Apparently, Hera has chosen her for something" he explained.

"Oh, that's mysterious" bella said with a grin. "I work with her, wont be that hard to keep an eye on her" she added.

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