There was a knock at the door. I felt so sick, it's like my body wouldn't even move. I got up started walking towards the door, and then the weirdest thing happened. It's the guy from last night. My heart started racing and jumping. I couldn't think about what his name was. He's so dreamy. It felt as if I were in love again. Is he the one for me? I opened the door, then he punched me in the face. All I could think to myself, was "why did this happen to me?" I fell to the floor and passed out as he drug my body back into the house. I wake up a few moments later, and I'm tied up in my bed. I asked him, "what's going on?" He responded, "shut up and stop talking!" He walked towards the bed from the doorway, and then he punched me in the face. I was knocked out again. He drugged me in my sleep so I wouldn't wake up for some days.