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'Move Potter!' Malfoy shouts dominantly and pushes Harry away. Harry looks at Malfoy's grumpy face as he gets in the train cabin. 'Ignore him. It's just Malfoy.' Ron says. Harry doesn't respond and stares randomly at the window. 'You good mate?' his friend asks. 'Why is the window so dirty?' replies Harry out of nowhere. 'Harry, is there something wrong?' Hermione asks a bit worried. 'I'm fine.' he says pretty much annoyed. After those words he gets up, leaves cabin and gets in a empty one instead and lays down on the bench, staring into space.

'What's wrong with me?' asks Harry himself as he's still thinking about Malfoy. 'I mean he has got nice hair though. And his grumpy face is kinda cute.' Harry goes on. 'Stop it!
Just forget about him. He hates me.' are Harry's last thoughts as he slowly falls asleep.
As Harry wakes up, everyone is clearly already gone. He gets off the train and sees that carriages are also already gone. Harry sighs as he realises he has to walk all the way to school.

As he finally arrives at school, he walks into the Great Hall and takes a seat. 'Were have you been?!' Hermione asks worried with a very pale face. 'Oh, I had to go to the toilet.' Harry lies quickly. 'Glad you're back.' Hermione says with raised eyebrows.

After dinner, Harry goes to his dorm.
He's still thinking about his forbidden thoughts. He lays down on his bed and keeps arguing with himself.
After a while Ron enters their dorm. 'Hey Harry, how are you?' Ron asks. 'I'm fine, thanks.' Harry responds awkwardly.
Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom, two boys who they share the dorm with, enter the room and greet Harry and Ron.

The boys came up with an idea to spend the night with. Truth or Dare.
They dared Neville to prank Professor Snape.
Neville grabs his grandmothers clothes and put them in a box. He writes Snape's name on it. The four sneak quietly  to Professor Snape's office. Neville puts the box right in front of the door. He knocks with shaky and sweaty hands on the door and runs back to Harry, Ron and Seamus, who are hiding on the other side of the corridor. After a minute of waiting a tall man in full black robes opens the door and grabs the box. He curiously observes it and looks around the corridor for suspicion. 'Guys maybe we should go back now.' Neville stutters. 'Shush!' Snape looks in the direction of where the noise came from. Harry, Ron, Neville and Seamus, who are all terrified at this point, run as fast as they can back to their dorm. Luckily fast enough before Snape could take points from Gryffindor.

Back at their dormitory, they're all laughing about what happened.
After a few hours Ron, Seamus and Neville fall asleep. But Harry's still awake. He's thinking about Malfoy again.

Why can't I just stop thinking about him? I have to sleep. Would Malfoy be asleep now? Oh my lord stop!! What's wrong with me?

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