Chapter 1

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Natalia's POV
"Cinnamon! Come here baby" I shout to my miniature Pomeranian, Cinnamon. Cinnamon comes running up to me and I attach her lead to her collar. "Good girl!" I rub her back.

We walk out of the door and I take in a breath of fresh air. Taking Cinnamon for a walk is the only good thing in my life at the moment (besides my best friend Kayla). I decide to call Kayla whilst I walk to keep my occupied. After 3 rings she picks up,
"Hey girl! How are you?"
"I'm good I guess, needed some fresh air. Do you wanna go for coffee?" I can hear her laugh,
"When have I ever said no to coffee!" I smile,
"Meet me at our usual place in 15 minutes?" She hums and ends the call. It was a nice, sunny day so we should be alright sitting outside with Cinnamon.

I put my headphones in and begin to listen to one of my favourite bands, Cavetown. He released a new album last week and its amazing. I hum along to the song 'Pyjama Pants'. The fresh air begins to take over me and I walk in a daze. I look around me, taking in the beauty of the trees and the clear blue sky but before I can snap myself out of my daze, I bump into someone.
"Oh my gosh i'm so sorry!" I look up to see a tall dark haired boy. "I didn't see you and I was paying attention to the nat-" Before I could finish I tripped over a dog that ran past me. The boy grabbed me before I could fall fully over.
"Hey. It's ok. I'm Emerson" I smile,
"I'm Natalia" We shake hands. I look down to see Cinnamon playing frantically on the ground with the boy, who I now know as Emerson, dog. I look back up at Emerson,
"Looks like our dogs like each other!"
"It does! Hey, here's my number. Call me sometime and our dogs can have a play date." I smile,
"I'd like that" He nods,
"Well I have to get going. Nice meeting you!" We smile at each other and he walks off. His dog lingers with Cinnamon for a while before running back up to Emerson.

I continue my walk to the cafe and soon I can see it in the distance. Kayla waves at me when she sees me.
"Hey babe! What took you so long?" She hands me my coffee and we sit together in the porch part of the cafe. "Heyy Cinnamon!!" Cinnamon jumps up Kayla and licks her along the cheek. She laughs.
"Well, being the clumsy person I am, I literally fell into this guy. Our dogs liked each other so we spoke for a little while." I say, realising that he probably only started speaking to me because felt sorry for me. Kayla bursts out laughing,

"You are so clumsy!" I laugh along with her and take a sip of my coffee. "I forgot to say it earlier but you look super cute today Nat!" I smile. I was wearing a white butterfly crop top and a black skirt which had a chain attached to the belt loops and I had paired it with my usual pair of Dr Martens. My messy black hair was pulled into a ponytail but I left two strands loose to frame my face. I was wearing my usual makeup which consisted off black eyeliner, mascara and some red lipstick (which matched my nose ring).

"Thanks Kay" I say before taking a sip of my coffee. We chatted for a little while until a dog comes running up to Cinnamon. They immediately start to lick each other and play with each other. I look up to see the owner walking towards us,

"Pepper! Leave that poor dog alone" It was the same man from earlier. He looks at me, "Oh! Weren't you the girl that ran into me earlier?" I blush a heavy shade of red,

"Yeah... that's me..." He laughs,

"No need to be embarrassed!" I hide my face and smile a little.

"I'm Kayla" Kayla butts in. He looks over at her and smiles,

"Emerson." They shake hands. Kayla smiles at him. An awkward silence comes over us all so I stare at the dogs once again.

"They really do like each other" I say to him and he nods.

"They do. I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go and meet my brothers." He looks me dead in the eye, "If you wanna talk, my instagram is just 'Emerson Barrett'." I nod at him,

"Bye Emerson!" Kayla shouts as he walks away. He turns back and waves, I wave back.

"Well that was awkward..." Kayla starts to say and slowly. I nod and take another sip of my coffee. Not after long we both burst into fits of laughter.

"Are you going to message him?" I look at her wide-eyed and take out my phone. I type 'Emerson Barrett' into Instagram and click onto his page. My eyes widen once again,

"Kayla he has 163,000 followers..." Kayla nearly spits out her coffee,

"He's famous!!!" I look back down at my phone and click follow. Me and Kayla snap a photo together and I post it to my Instagram.

"Kay. He probably won't even notice me on his following list..." She smiles,

"I'm sure he will"

We end up gossiping for hours until I finally have to go home. As I'm walking home, I begin to think. I think about everything that has happened today while I take in the breeze of the wind. Today has been weird and I spoke to a celebrity... I guess. Sometimes things happen for a reason and Emerson was really sweet. I hope that we get to speak again sometime. I could do with a new friend to talk too.

Since I finished 'Psychotic kids' I decided to take a break and start a different project whilst we're all stuck in isolation (this book).
Stay safe and wash your hands! Keep your family safe in these tough times

Imperfect perfections~ Emerson BarretWhere stories live. Discover now