Just a Regular Hero

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The door clicks and opens to a fairly clean home. A simple and moderately modern decorated house makes it look like you have yourself together. The 22 year old sighs and sets his stuff down on the tiny dining table. He lives alone. People visit often though. Everyone doesn't want him to feel alone and they've done a great job but it's exhausting. Sometimes, just on occasion, alone time is great. He walks over to his couch and flops onto it, taking a deep breath to relax. He runs a hand through his hair and thinks about taking a shower until his doorbell is rung.

{Izuku's POV}
People just don't leave me alone, do they?
I get up and check the peep hole and unlock the door.
My mother smiles at me softly.

"Hey, mom"
"Hi Izu... is it okay I stop by to visit? If you're tired I can go because I know you get tired and-"
"It's okay, come in"

I let her in and she walks to the couch and takes a seat. I ask if she wants some tea and she says yes after I reassure her its not out of the way. I go to my kitchen and get it steeping and walk back to the couch. I sit next to her and we chat a bit about how my day was and how she talks with All Might every now and then. She eventually asks me,

"So, Izu, how has looking around gone for you?"
"Im not sure what you mean"

She makes a face.

"Izu, you promised you'd go out and try meeting some new people! You're not getting any younger, and nor am I"

She spoke that last part jokingly, but she's not wrong. I honestly haven't wanted to go out and meet anyone in the past year. I tried to for a little while two years after the incident but it just... wasn't the same. I know I was young but the comfort and love I experienced during that time.... let's just say people aren't thinking with good intentions now adays. They're either after me for my position permanently or just to say that they got somewhere with me. That's all. No one really cares. For a short while, I honestly didn't care either, but luckily I expirienced someone that pointed that out to me, thus I changed my ways.

I sigh,

"I'm sorry mom, I just, I keep forgetting because of work and I've gotten so busy lately"
"Thats okay..... since that's difficult for you currently, can you at least try to take off work for a couple of days? I want you to take some time to yourself and relax"
"I...... no promises it'll happen"
"Just try. Please"

She grabs my hands and pleads me with her eyes and I nod my head. She brings me into a hug and I hug her back. After letting go I realize I left the tea and it's already late. My mom doesn't like driving when it's dark.

"Mom, want me to drive you home?"
"It's okay, Izu. Get cleaned up and get some rest"

I walk her to the door and make sure she gets into the car and is able to drive away safely. As I walk back in I put the extra tea away for tomorrow morning. Maybe I will take off a couple of days. I grab my phone and send a message requesting the next two days off then hop into the shower. As I wash myself I think about what I'm going to do. Maybe to the beach. It's been a long time. Maybe I can go on a hike. Stop by karaoke bar. Get some sweets. Who knows.


The beach sounds the best. A walk by myself there sounds great. I'll go at night, people are less likely to be there. Now I just need to watch out for people blowing up my phone and asking if I'm okay and where I'm at so they can be with me. I finish up my shower and check my phone. I've gotten a response giving me the okay and saying I deserve it.

I suppose I do.....

It doesn't feel like it though.

Gah, I shouldn't be thinking like that, I should feel honored to be where I am today. With all thats happened in my life, I'm lucky to be so expirienced at a young age. Or at least thats one way to look at it. I don't think kids should witness that much death and hurt at a young age but sometimes you just can't help it.

I finish up my nightly routine ans hop into bed though my hair is still wet. I stare at the ceiling with a blank mind. Just kind of, existing for a moment. Having no impact on anything.

Can't hurt or help anyone.

I roll to my side trying to get more comfortable but no avail. I check the time and see it's 2:43am. The wonders of staring into nothingness, right? I slowly begin to feel myself fade away and my vision goes dark. Finally succumbing to sleep...

I never dream,

But tonight

Thats different.

I feel light, in a way, unreal. I'm on a hill and the sun is setting. There's a silhouette of a woman and I walk towards her but it seems I can't get closer. I try running to her but remains far off. I can't gain any ground. I give up and just watch her. Suddenly, the ocean is in view and we're now both on a cliff. I hear a gentle, nostalgic voice speak to me.

Sometimes I just want to get away from everything. Everything including the feelings I can't seem to rid of because of you.

As she goes to turn and face me she slips and falls off of the cliff. I go to try and jump to save her but I can't move my body.

What bullshittery is this? Let me save her damnit!

I stay frozen and I watch her fall. I catch a glimpse of her face but she mouths something to me that I can't make out.

As soon as she hits the water, I wake up in a cold sweat and check the clock. It's only 5:58. I quickly get up and change my clothes and wash my face to calm down. What was that? Do I know her? I feel like I should but.... her face is already fading.... I can't remember.


I mumble to no one in particular and head back to bed. I'm able to fall asleep quick and go into my usual, peaceful dreamless sleep.

(1119 words)
What's up!
I'm back, with my reboot sequellll. I hope this was an okay intro chapter, the first chunks of it are going to be Izuku's pov. Also, I'm not sure if all of you noticed the tags for the story, which brings me to ask, do you want a completely optional lime chapter to read? It won't be for a very long time and I know theres some h*rndogs out there who may want one. Just let me know!

Now the out-tro that changes every time,
If there are any mistakes you don't understand please let me know and I'll try to fix them!
Thanks for reading :)


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