Chapter 1 The Worst Do-Over In History

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The classic annoying sound of an alarm clock was going off in my room.

Annoyance from being woken up by an unwanted alarm clock fueled me as I looked up from my pillow to find the source of what was making that intolerable sound. My eyes identified the cause of that insufferable sound on my bedside table. 

It was my alarm clock. That's weird. I could have sworn that I disabled my alarm clock yesterday morning because I was so excited that it was the last day I would ever have to get up early for a good while. I turned off the alarm clock anyways, seeing that it was six am. I went back to sleep, thinking that it should be illegal to wake up before nine am.


I abruptly awoke to my mom shaking me, saying worriedly: "Ash! Get up! You're gonna be late for your first day!!"

"First day of what?" I asked confused, still half-asleep.

"The first day of your senior year at a new school! Or have you forgotten already?!" Momma said, frustrated.

"What? Momma, it's the first day of summer, not school." I correct her.

"In. Your. Dreams! Get up and get dressed now! Hurry! I've already made breakfast!" Momma said infuriated before walking out of my room.

I groan. Contemplating whether I should get up or not. I look at my alarm clock. It's now 6:30 am on Monday, August 13. Full of skepticism, I rub my eyes making sure I'm seeing it right. Yeah. My alarm clock says Monday, August 13.

Wow. Momma's pulling out all the stops for the first day at school joke. She's not one to play jokes on other people.

I sigh, deciding to just go along with it. She's probably made my favorite breakfast. Pancakes and sausage with two slices of bacon. 

I get dressed, incidentally into what I wore the first day of my senior year. A casual black hoodie and torn black jeans, with black tennis shoes.

I walk downstairs, into the kitchen and there sitting on the table was a plate of pancakes, bacon, and two slices of bacon. Originally, on the real first day of school, she put a nice garnish of raspberries on top of the pancakes with a single holly on top. The exact same garnish was on these pancakes as well.

A feeling of uneasiness washed over me. What if this isn't some sick joke? What if I'm really starting my senior year all over again, and I get to have the worst do-over in history.

I push those thoughts away and ate my breakfast quickly.

"Hurry! Get in the car! I'm gonna get to drive you to school every morning now!" Momm told me excitedly.

My uneasiness turned into horrified. Those are the same words she surprised me with on my original first day of school. WHAT. IS. GOING. ON.

I reluctantly get in the car, and as Mom's driving, I get more and more stressed. We were actually going to Lakewood High School. 

When we actually pulled into Lakewood High School it was bustling with teenagers. Anxiety and fear overwhelmed me. I started hyperventilating. NO! NOT AGAIN. NOT! AGAIN!

I snap back into the present. "....Ash Ash. Listen to me. It's gonna be okay. No one here could possibly know about you. You're okay." We were parked in the parking lot, my seat was unbuckled and my momma was holding me. Rubbing circles on my back soothingly, and whispering in my ear, trying to calm me down. I could tell she was trying to keep her voice calm but worry was seeping through her words.

I hug Momma. "I-I'm okay Momma. I'm okay now, I promise." I tell her, trying to sound confident.

Momma hugs me tight and comforts me. "Are you sure? You can wait here as long as you want."

"No. It's fine now Momma. I'm okay I promise." I tell her reassuringly.

Momma pulls away and looks at me in the eyes. After a few moments, she sighs and says "Well, okay. But I want you to go to the office and call me if anything happens. I won't hesitate to take you home right away."

"I will Momma. Don't worry about me." I tell her, confidently.

"Ohh. Come here." She pulls me into a hug. I hug her back. It was a good hug. A proper mom hug that fills you with this warm fuzzy feeling.

"Thank you, Mamma. I love you." I tell her as I pull away and put on my backpack.

"I love you so much, baby. Have a good first day!" She says encouragingly, but a slight worry is in her voice.

"Thank you, Momma! I will!" I tell her excitingly, as I get out of the car and walk onto the sidewalk.

Mom waves goodbye as she pulls out of the parking spot. I stand there and wave goodbye at her until her car is out of the parking lot and turns out of view.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before walking into the school building for the first time again. Deciding that if this really is a second chance, then I'm going to make the most of it.

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