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Kaito POV

After Desiree left, I went with my father to his other house. ''I'm moving up the marriage date for you and Mei'' He said.

''I already tell you I'm not marrying her father, nothing you say or do will make me marry her'' I said, annoyingly. I already told him I'm not marrying Mei, yet he keeps on pressing the matter.

''You will do as I say I am your father,'' He shouted, ''You wouldn't want anything to happen to that black cunt, now would you?'' He said

''Excuse me would you like to repeat that?'' I looked at him, I felt my eye twitch.

I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw a message from Desiree.

''WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!'' I roared.

''It's for your own good, she'll be dead before you can find her'' He said, sitting down on his chair.

I snapped, I lunged for him and began punching him over and over again I kicked him in his face over and over again, at this point I wasn't there I kept on stomping him blood spat all over the floor but I didn't stop, his teeth flew out, when I stopped his head was flatten out he was dead, there was so much blood on my shoes and the floor. I turned around ready to walk out when I saw a woman with her mouth wide open and in shock, she began running but I grabbed her hair and took out my knife and slice her throat, her blood spurted on my face. I can't leave any witnesses.

I took out my phone and called Lee, ''It's your time, it's a little too soon but shit happens''. Lee would take care of his body, he'll cover it up to make it look like someone else murder him. But what he don't know is that I will plant the murder on him, someone has to go down for it or else they won't close the case. I opened the Gps app I downloaded and began tracking Desiree's phone. I was out for blood.

I went to Mei's house knocking on her door. She opened it and looked at me.

''Is it done?'' She asked.

I nodded silently and entered her house I took a shower and changed into clean clothes she provided. Mei knew about this she was in on the plan to kill my father, this way she didn't have to marry me, and I'll have an alibi.

''He took Desiree.'' I grunted. ''I have to find her''.

''Wait Kaito, what about your alibi?'' she asked, ''If you leave now you won't have an alibi'' She said.

''We'll lie, don't worry I'll be back before you know it'' replied.

''Is that Kaito?'' I heard her boyfriend Ryo said.

''Yeah'' She replied.

I went to her storage room, taking out my 2 colt 45 guns and my knife. I stuffed the guns in the back of my pants. I hid the blade in shirt sleeve and hide the next one under my shoe.

''See ya'' I said.

''Please be careful'' Mei said.

I got in my car and began tracking her down. ''Bingo'' I said, finding her at an old warehouse out of town I sped down the road, speeding to my destination. I exit the car and carefully began inspecting the place. It was too quiet, there was no one outside. I rushed inside finding no one inside but Desiree's phone. I squeezed my fist together and punch the nearest wall repeatedly, trying to calm down myself. ''FUCK'' I shouted.

''Hello brother, you think I wouldn't find out that you and your little whore killed my mother and sisters, you took something from me brother now I'm gonna do the same. Come to this place, address is in the phone, we're waiting.''

''FUCKING SEUNG'' I shouted out loud angrily. ''I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM''

I took down the address and put it in the GPS and sped off. Arrived at an abandoned hotel. I stepped out looking around then I entered. A man held his gun at my head when I stepped in.

''Drop all weapons you have'' He said.

I clenched my jaw, I looked around my surrounding counting the amount of men in the room, 10. It's safer to just hand over the guns right now. I drop my guns on the floor.

''That all?'' the man asked.

I nodded.

''Search him'' another guy said.

He began searching me I mentally curse when he found the knife in my sleeve.


He tied my hand with a rope, then said ''Follow me'', leading the way.

When we reach a room, he opened the door and I stepped in seeing Desiree on the floor out cold I rushed over to her.

''Desiree'' I mumbled, ''Fuck, I'm so sorry Kkoch'' I mumbled over and over.

The man grabbed me and tied me to the wall, using the rope.

''Well isn't that sweet'' A Familiar voice said

''I'm gonna fucking kill you Seung'' I growled.

''Don't get ahead of yourself brother, remember where you are'' He kicked me in the back, I tumbled over groaning. ''I'm in charge here''

''What the fuck do you want?'' I growled, ''Leave Desiree out of this I killed them not her.''

''Exactly like you to protect this fucking mental whore'' He said.

''Don't fucking call her that'' I shouted.

''Why? We both know she's crazy you can't keep making excuse for her Kaito, she needs help, better yet bet taking her out of this world, that's what she deserves'' he said smiling. ''Not even a mental institute can help her, but don't worry I can''

''Guess what's the best part, the crazy bitch is pregnant'' He stated, he began laughing, I'll be helping the kid too, poor kid would turn out just like her see, I'm helping you''

I stood there in shock, Desiree... My Desiree is pregnant.

''Oh, you didn't know'' He said, covering his mouth in 'shock'.

He walked over and kicked her in the side. ''STOP DON'T FUCKING HURT HER'' I shouted.

His phone began ringing and he took it out and stepped out. I heard her coughing. ''Desiree baby Kkoch'' I said, ''Can you hear me?'' I begged.

''Kaito'' I heard her voice. I signed in relief.

''We're gonna get out of here okay, don't worry Kkoch'' I replied.

~~~ 4 More Chapters Until The End Of Equally Deranged~~~

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