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A/n: Dedicated to and requested by Katrina. This is your fault. I was so tempted to do some gore but I decided not so here you heccin go. AU where Fukase got his red eye from Oliver in a medical experiment, Oliver is 14 and Fukase is 15. All art used is by Doodliver on pixiv.

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   "Ah-" Oliver flinched as the Fukase turned on the bathroom lights. Fukase couldn't help but giggle at his high-pitched reaction. Jokingly, Oliver poked his boyfriend's cheek in return. The dim light of their bathroom was nothing compared to the hospital lighting they had gotten used to, though.

"You only half a roll, right?" Fukase asked, voice still groggy from sleep. He held a roll of white bandages in his equally pale hands, eyes gazing into the toothpaste-stained mirror.

Oliver slowly nodded, staring back at him. He'd rather look into his own removed eye than the empty socket it came from, of course. Oliver's left eye, filled with leaked blood, now subsisted in his partner's body. They had practically swapped their face's left sides.

"Alright." The older boy cracked a small smile and began to work. He gingerly held one end of the bandage to Oliver's face, then began the wrapping; under his hair and around the empty socket. Naturally, the scratchy fabric not only covered the eye, but the entire left side of his face. But how could he blame him? Nobody at public school wanted to see the mangled skin he possessed, so wrapping over it was all he could do. Eventually, both of them had to take online school. Their full recovery would take too long.

"Hey," Fukase piped up, making eye contact through the mirror, "how was your recovery? The doctors said you were ok but-"

"I missed you," He cut him off, taking a shaky breath before continuing. "I didn't want to leave you. Nothing felt right, there was nobody to talk to, and the pain was just-" The soft-spoken boy bit his pink lip, feeling a tear escape from his only eye. Fukase halted wrapping, eyes widening. Quickly, he tied in a knot and spun the shorter teen around. His left hand gently landed on his shoulder, the other to wipe the tears away.

"Baby, hey, hey," Fukase cooed, "Even though we've only been together again for barely a day, I promise to never let anything like that happen again. I didn't know it'd hurt you so much..." His right hand moved to delicately cup his cheek, still wiping away tears with his thumb. "Those asshole doctors already pissed me off, but now they hurt Oliver..." Fukase muttered under his breath.

"But what if th- they want us to do something again?" Oliver held back a sob, gripping the edge of the other boy's baggy shirt.

"They'll have to get someone else. The operations were a one-time thing anyway." He soothed with a reassuring smile. A single golden eye shakily glanced up at him, drops still welling at the corner.

"I can't help but think you're truly right!" Oliver broke out into a smile through his tears' remnants. Fukase pulled his British boy into a loving embrace, his own smile spreading to a toothy grin.

"Aw, you recovered quickly!" Cheerfully shouting, Fukase ruffled Oliver's blonde hair. A few happy giggles escaped his mouth.

"You always know how to cheer me up Fukase~" He hummed, leaning in closer to his lover's face. Oliver's face wasn't red from crying; now it was tinted from blush.

"Hm, really? You must be a master of making me fall in love then." Fukase complimented back. Oliver's cheeks nearly matched his lover's hair.

"Ha?" Oliver stuttered, flustered. With a loving gaze, Fukase leaned down and locked lips with the others. Their kiss dragged out for a few seconds, neither one wanting to pull their soft lips away. They eventually pulled apart, lingering to stare into each other's eyes, or where an eye would be.

"So? Can I say that I also have your eye along with your heart?" Fukase joked, earning another poke.

"As long as I get something in return... Plea~se make your pancakes this morning!" Oliver begged. The two laughed as they left the bathroom, the light buzzing off behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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