Recap of Love

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Liza is 17. She has a younger sister named Catherine whom is 15. Liza is the daughter of famous Total drama stars Courtney and Duncan. Duncan and courtney loved each other Wrll they did but before I say that let me recap . In the Season 3 of total drama Duncan at young age while dating courtney kissed gwen. But Gwen broke up with him on season 5 after him still being crazy over courtney. Courtney and Duncab got married and had Liza and Catherine. Liza is their favorite because she's oldest and she is like both of them. She's smart and wants be a lawyer like courtney. But went to juvie 2 times. But Liza has a secret. Whenever she sneezes she becomes bad. Except when she's bad. She's not liza. She's spring. Spring is the other side of her. And that's what got her stuck in juvie. Although liza hates rules  but still followes them and she doesn't listen to rules sometimes she is more on Courtney's side. Catherine well she is smart but she isn't an all A student like catherine she gets mostly Bs or Cs and one D. Now she isn't much like Duncan either. But she wants to meet a bad boy and fall in love like courtney. Now anyways you remmber how in the begging  I  said well they were in love well. Whenever courtney got bossy and annoyed duncan. Duncan would go and see one of his old freinds. Whom was his ex girl. Her name was Alex or Alexander.  She was   delinquent much like Duncan at young age but they broke up. And duncan would only talk to her but courtney thought duncan was dating her and she divorced. Even if he explained she couldn't trust him. Not after Gwen. Catherine would stay with courtney because she was young and needed to study. While since liza  was 16 she would stay two weeks at Duncan's and two weeks at courtney. Until she was 17. But since she is now she stays at her own house with her sister. Except one day the government  said everyone has to stay in one house with their family. Apparently a Sickness called DurmaFlu went around and people had to stay in a big house together. Liza's house was biggest so Her mom dad, Sister and her moms freinds bridgette and bridgettes children came over. Why? Because mom and bridgette  worked together and knew each other from total drama so, bridgette lived with her mom but now had to stay at Liza's house. Bummer, and liza got annoyed from Courtney's and Duncan's constant bickering. So one night Liza went to Nelson. Bridgettes youngest son. Liza asked "hey wheres that Time machine?" . Nelson was a huge scientist he was the first to built a working time portal. And at the age of 14 was remarkable. "I dont know Brinda hates it when I use this. She says it makes too much noise." Brinda was the oldest child and she was pretty mean. But she was only nice to her family and her freinds. She was nice to liza because bridgette  and courtney changed out alot when liza was born and since brinda and liza were born at the same time they spent time every day. "Its ok She will listen to me." As liza went to tell Brinda she bumped into Baily. Wich is bridgettes well middle child. "Oh hey have you seen Brinda?" "Oh yeah she is just writing a poem" "oh thanks baily" . Liza went to check on Brinda.  She found brinda asleep on the couch with a pen in her hand and an empty sheet of paper. Liza put a blanket on her and went up. A rule you should always know with brinda is to never wake her up or she'll be mean even if you her freind or family. Liza went to tell Nelson Brinda was asleep and it was all good. "Ok Brinda is asleep were good" she said smiling "okay but why do you need it" he asked. Okay I'll tell you but let me get catherine first. Liza ran and grabbed catcherine. "Cmon!" "Wait where!?" Catherine said surprised. "Look guys I want to explain this fast!" "My mom and dad are fighting because duncan met his freind right?" They both shaked their heads fast. "Ok and courtney divorced because she cant trust duncan because of gwen right?" They nodded "well let's go back to action find what's going on between gwen and duncan ok?" They didn't nod hoping she would just continue"so ounce I have something we get voted out." "Then we go to world tour and stop duncan from kissing gwen. "Yes but you cant interfere with time. You can try but dont tell them your from the future or they will remember !" Said nelson "and use a fake name!" "Oh and tell me about my mom and dad!" "Nelson I dont know but I guess!" Said catherine. Nelson set the machine. "Wait!" Cried liza. She ran outside and grabbed something. As she did Alejandro and Heather's oldest son Zachary followed  Liza into her house. "Zachary!!" Cried out Zachary's older brother Fernando. Nelson set the machine and Liza got ready. "What is going on!!?" Yelled Zachary. Zachary jumped and accidentally set the machine to Total drama Island. Pushing Liza and catherine in with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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