Remembering Klaine

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"Lady's and gentlemen" Rachel spoke up as she approached the podium, the echoing of her heels interrupting the still atmosphere.

"We are all here today, to remember two very special people"

Heads bowed at this sentence, some fell into hands and the sound of weeping quietly filled the room.

Rachel blinked away the tears that were forming  in her eyes and continued

"A year ago today, Kurt took his own life; through pain from the one he loved"

She bowed her head for a moment, shuffling her feet slightly as she pulled herself together once again

"We all know that Blaine's actions weren't right, and at the time..." she gulped 

"..If it had been me, I would have been tempted to do the same"

The sound of whispering began to travel across the room, as much as Rachel knew people would believe her to be a cheat, now was not the time for idle gossip; this wasn't her day.

"But we can't go dwelling on silly mistakes, he was wrong but he tried with all his might to make it right. If only it had been enough" 

She dropped the sheets of paper in her hands on to the carefully sculpted podium, bowing her head once again as memories began to flood back to her.

Heads looked up in confusion and sadness. Had Rachel Berry finally cracked? Not this time.

She once again resumed her speech, determination filling her body as she attempted to finish without breaking. 

"But it was enough, Blaine in turn gave his life for his one true love. The regret, anguish, hate he must have felt, was enough to join Kurt, to try to make things right; if not here, but up there"

An assembly of heads followed her gaze to the high ceiling above them, even those who weren't particularly religious joined them in their hope. 

"Which is why, myself and some very special people have prepared something, in their memory"

She gestured for the group of smartly dressed men to come forth on to the platform. 

For each one of them had known the two boys very well, they had shared many moments with them both as a team, but as friends when they had left the prestigious high school. 

Although all of them had graduated, everyone of them still wore the sentimental navy and red tie around their necks; like an army of soldiers paying tribute to their fallen. 

They assembled into two lines, heads bowed as they started the pitch of low hums.

Rachel stepped forward, her head once again bowed as she took her place in front of the ex-choir; her head slowly rising as she began to tell of the couples' story in song...

He put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette

He broke his heart, he spent his whole life tryin' to forget

"Please stop pretending like there's nothing wrong"

The two came to a stand still, eyes locked as the shorter boy prepared himself for the words that would truly shatter his partners heart.

"I was with someone"

There it was, the agonising expression on the brunette's face that confirmed his prediction.

"I'm so sorry Kurt, I really am"

Those were the last words that were said.

We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time

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