# one

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charlie kovtun.

adopted by of one of the biggest mafia gangs in japan, specifically because of his quirk, and his looks. over the years, charlie grew to be a reckless teen who would seduce and destroy his owner's victims. he ended up having beef with many people, and not too many people liked him .. having his name dragged in the dirt quite a lot. but no matter, the boy would always come back. meaner and more arrogant than ever.

he'd made a few friends during his early lifetime, some of which even agreed to be part of his own little gang. making his way up in the world, charlie had little time for nonsense and childish behaviour, though sometimes .. he couldn't always help himself.

as he sat on the sofa outside the hideout that afternoon, he let out a silent yawn, gazing up at the dark sky and watching the rainfall. he hadn't slept much the past few days, due to old enemies coming back and starting unwanted drama. sometimes it seemed he just couldn't get away from it .. but he didn't care. if he did, he wouldn't keep coming back.

hearing the door open to his left, his jade green orbs peered over to find a boy stood there, it was someone he'd known for a while.   " oh hey, "   charlie greeted, moving over and patting the spot on the sofa beside him.   " take a seat, man. "

the boy obeyed, inching closer to charlie and taking a seat on the sofa beside him, a gentle blush dusting his cheeks as he averted his soft blue orbs. he remained quiet for a moment, only able to concentrate on the male sitting next to him. he bit down into his lower lip, before looking over to meet charlie's gaze.   " .. um, how are you feeling? "

it was a random thing to ask, in charlie's opinion. not many people cared to ask how he was feeling. anyone rarely checked up on him any more. in fact, he couldn't remember the last time someone had asked him if he was okay .. so, it was just strange to finally received the question of worry.   " uh, yeah. I'm fine. just tired. "

" did you end up getting out of the drama you got caught up in the other day? "   the boy asked, running his slender fingers through his ash blonde locks. he chewed the inside of his cheek as his soft blue orbs slowly scanned charlie's lanky, well defined figure.

" yeah, it was more or less my fault that it started .. but those morons shouldn't have retaliated. how childish. they should've just ignored it and left me the fuck alone. "   he scoffed, the memory agitating him.   " fucking assholes. "

" people will do that .. it's just in our nature to whine and complain about one another, start shit and never bother to end it. we do it for power, of a sort. knowing we're hurting someone we dislike makes us feel good. "    the boy explained, a soft smile coming onto his face.   " well .. most of us. "

" i should've just left it alone. "   charlie continued.   " if i hadn't of retaliated, i wouldn't have had to shift and hide you guys. obviously they still know where i am, but .. it's easy to get rid of them from this area. do you understand what i mean, takashi? "

" maybe you should just let it go. stop thinking about it so much, and just relax a little. "   takashi was a logical thinker, and he honestly thought both parties were to blame. regardless of what he'd just said. he simply didn't want to enrage charlie by saying the fault was equal.

hearing his words caused charlie to sigh. he nodded, and rubbed his eyes. gritting his teeth and grinded them for a moment, his anger and anxiety slowly subsiding.   " it's not easy to ignore .. they're everywhere. i have to watch every move i make now, to avoid any and all direct contact. i can't say names or discuss what happened, because regardless of how the story may end, im always going to be the bad guy. "

" what do you expect? "   takashi questioned, shrugging his shoulders and sitting forward, blue orbs meeting green ones.   " i mean, you're part of the mafia. a gang of men who murder people for drugs, money, and other stupid shit. im sorry, but it's true. nobody likes the mafia, and the mafia doesn't like nobody .. it's simple. "

the blonde teen had a point, but charlie was stubborn and wanted to think it wasn't his fault that this was all happening. sure, he was adopted and raised into the mafia family, but .. he could've changed his life at any time. and yet still, he goes on his way and continues down the same path. no one quite understands why, and it pisses some people off .. but at the end of the day, that's just who charlie is, and most have come to accept that fact.

" .. you really do look exhausted. "   takashi commented, hesitantly reaching over and cupping the side of charlie's face. charlie closed his eyes and leaned into the males touch, purring softly in satisfaction. this earned a pleased hum from takashi, and he scooted closer, wrapping an arm around charlie's broad frame as the ravenette rested his head upon the japanese males shoulder.   " try and get some rest. i'll be right here when you wake up. "

charlie was very sleep deprived, but the way takashi was handling him, made it much easier to slowly drift off. relaxing his body and snuggling into the blonde, charlie let out another yawn before slowly, gradually, dozing off. takashi kept his word and remained in the same spot, his fingers drawing patterns in the side of charlie's arm. remaining quiet as the ravenette slept. he leaned down, planting a gentle, tender kiss to the males forehead, before moving back and shifting on the sofa, making himself comfortable. he wasn't sure how long he'd be sitting there .. but he did know it'd be a while before charlie awoke.

;   it's a work in progress but this is what i've got so far. any negative comments will be deleted, and people will be blocked for starting any unnecessary bullshit. it's unneeded, leave my baby alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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