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I shuddered as snow fell around me. Every winter seems colder than the last. "Sis, come inside!" I turned to my mom who was back with Richard. "Hey big bro! How was college?" He rolled his eyes. I have Finn in my class again. It's the fifth year IN A ROW!" I smiled, and hugged him. "I'm sure Finn will have matured by now sweetie. Let's get you two inside for some soup." Richard crossed his arms, and walked inside, followed by me, and my mom. I took a shower, and changed into the hoodie my aunt gave me, and a pair of gym shorts. It was cozy inside 'The Den' as me and dad call it... called it. I sighed as a plopped into the chair where my dad sat. He died last week from a sickle cell. It was always too quiet. Before he died, he gave me a few of our favorite recipes, and told me to lock half inside of his safe, and that by the time the month was over, the cake/cookies/ or ice cream would be gone. I smiled at the memory, and began to eat. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went to bed.

*in the morning.. kinda*

I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I'd woken up to snowballs being thrown against my window. I quietly moved to my window, making sure the floor boards didn't creek, before opening the window. "Laa-Laa, what the hell are you doing at 4:43?! In the morning!" The golden teletubby smiled. Her weird mystery smile that I'll never understand. "Can I come up?" I rolled my eyes, and tossed a rope down, letting the blind girl climb up. "You're dumb. Won't your dad worry?" I asked, staring at my silver-eyed girl. She was silent, but began to laugh... a sad one. "Oh Po... always hoping he'll change huh?" She looked up, sorrow filling her crystal eyes. "My mom left. His drinking is worse." She looked up at me. "I wanted to know if I could crash. I get it if you say no, just curious." I smiled. "You know my house is yours. I'll ask my mom in the morning." Laa-Laa smiled, and hugged the bookshelf instead of me, but I was ok with that. She's gonna have a save haven from her dad!


*ok, really in the morning*

I woke with Po's head in my chest. It was 6:38, and Po needed to be up soon. It doesn't hurt to be early. "Po." I gently shook the small girl's shoulders. "Come on wake up." Po mumbled something in her sleep and rolled over, her tail brushing my face. I grabbed my specialized glasses that I'd gotten last week from Lenny, hoping I'd be able to see. And they worked. I happily sat up, and began to shake Po, this time more vigorously. "Po get your ass up! School." The red girl rolled over, and looked up at me. "I'm up... 4 minutes early." I smiled and picked up my phone to shoot Lenny a text.

LL: Lenny, the glasses worked!
2 minutes
LL: Lenny?
L: Wat? It 2 in the fucking morning here.
LL: No. You always say that when you're tired.
L: No shit. Nice to know you're not blind... I'm on the bus.
LL: Oh shit, I gotta get Po!

I turned around, and began to violently shake the poor girl. "Damn Laa-Laa what?!" She turned, looking annoyed. "Lenny just got on the bus! It's early!" Po jumped up, and began getting dressed. "Why didn't you say something you idiot?!" I narrowed my eyes at her. "I just got the message twat." She didn't respond. She grabbed an old hoodie(my old hoodie that's still to big for her) and threw it on, a long with a pair of shorts, and stockings. "Come on! I can teleport us to the bus stop!" Po grabbed our bags, and then my arm. We arrived just as the bus was pulling up. She tossed me my bag, and got on. "I thought you two missed it." Lenny purred. Walten in the seat next to us rolled his eyes. "You were ALWAYS late last year, and you only came early or on time to classes I had." Walten looked at Lenny, who now had a slight flush on his cheeks. "Yeah... those were he only classes I liked." Walten smile. "But for some reason this year ALL of our classes/ electives are the same?" Lenny crossed his arms, rolling his eyes. "These are tech classes. I wouldn't be in class with you if the others weren't full." Walten snorted. "I wonder if Ron would agre-" "Walten stop!" Lenny grabbed the smaller tubby by the waist, and covered his mouth. "He told you?!" Walten licked Lenny's hand, and ran back to his seat. "Yeah dumbass. Ron totally isn't loyal. I found out myself!" Lenny now looked like a cherry. He pressed himself onto the floor, laughing and crying... he was craughing. "Dude get a grip. It's not terrible to sleep with stuffed animals. I do know the one about you liking me as well." I looked over a Po who shrugged he shoulders. Then I got a text.

P: Tinky and Dipsy are making out again. Make sure it doesn't get heated. (7w7)
LL: Po, to clean your mind
P: Can't. I love my mind the way it is.

I looked at her, then turned. Dipsy was on top of Tinky in the farthest corner of the bus where the bus driver didn't see them. "Where theres a will, there's a way I guess...." Po smirked. "I wonder how many adopted beans they'll get.
I smiled at the though. They'd been together for 2 years now. "Lenny calm down!" Walten was hugging the poor thing, saying wasn't his fault Walten was smart, which only made the serpent wail louder. "You're making it worse." Ron hissed, putting his paws over his ears." I smacked Lenny in the back of the head, making him shut up, and hug Walten's thighs. I closed my eyes, praying the rest of the ride would be quiet.

*at school*

I ignored my friends (except Po, Dipsy, Tinky Winky, and Ron) for the rest of the day. Laa-Laa kept say I saying sorry, so if forgive her at the end if the day, but this seemed insanely funny to Walten, who'd told Anne and Miles. "Dude. That's adorable." Anne said, trying not to laugh. Miles however was dying. "Lenny... you like-... you sleep.... *inhales* I KNEW you were gay! I knew it!" He was extremely happy for some reason. "Bi-Sexual actually." Miles and Anne looked at each other. "Walten and Lenny sittin' in a tree-" "Guys..." "K-I-S-S-I-N-G-" "Guys. Look." Miles and Anne stoped singing in time to see Twig moving along. "Lets go. I don't want any trouble." Walten and I went into oir classrooms, but Miles made sure Anne was safe, before leaving with Conor. Of course the couple skips.

I sat behind Walten in class. He ignored everyone who flirted with him, so I didn't wanna try. I finished my work, and left the class with Walten, and Dutch who'd showed up to class for once. "Hey Lenny!" I turned to see Valeri, also known as the schools female player. "Uuuh... hey." She smiled, and blocked the door. "You single?" I frowned, and rolled my eyes. "I don't have time for this Valeri. I have a class to get to." She moved out of the way, and from the corner of my eye, I swore Walten was glaring at her with red eyes, but when I turned he seemed normal. I shrugged it off, and went to my next class.

 I shrugged it off, and went to my next class

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I smiled, watching Lenny leave. Probably harder, but I planned on shattering his poor little nerdy heart. A small white male with a slightly feminine figure passed me, but his presence. I felt sick. My vision began to swim, and I saw him with gray demon wings, and a shattered halo. His eyes were red, and he was laughing... why?! I tried to move away, and passed out as he went into his class... what I saw was his head turned at an impossible angle.

45 minutes later

I got out of my seat, and asked to use the bathroom. When I left, I saw Valeri passed out in the floor. I smiled, knowing what has caused this, and brought her to the nurse. I left to use the bathroom, and went back to class... or I tried. "Yo, snowbum!" I turned as Twig came rushing up to me. "Walten." I corrected, knowing he'd never remember it. Twig was my ally where evil people were concerned, but he still bullied people. When that happened, I was sure to steer clear so I didn't witness anything. "Valeri... She says you put a curse on her." I blinked it fake confusion. "W-What would she lie like that?! I don't know her." Twig shrugged. I don't know. Come to my table at lunch, and bring nerdy boy with you. I nodded and walked back to class.

Two little birdies up in the blue skies
Shots came ringing out
One fell two the ground, death by little lies
The second smiled from the tree scout.


The poems at the end are hints of how a character will die. Hehehehehe-

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