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*RATED T & M for Teen and Mature*

In the year 2010, a couple guys named Steven and Peter flushed an assortment of junk down the latter's advanced toilet (dead animals, trash, expired food, some organs, wires, etc)  during a bet. Fortunately, the toilet flushed in all down with ease......

Unfortunately, immediately after, a large purple, tusked mutant rose from the commode, scaring the men into their house. Then, it called legions of other mutants and laid waste to the neighborhood and then some.

Once the land was destroyed, the mutants escaped beneath the earth's crust, taking the Super Toilet (labelled "Mutant Making Machine") with them.

Now, they've terraformed the underground into a world by, for, and of these creatures, occasionally, showing up to the surface to cause mayhem to the humans or each other with their ways.

This crude species became known as...

"The Disgustoids!"

End of Prologue

Next Time; Prologue part 2: the Creature Cast

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