~. . . O O P S . . .~

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Dream let out an irritated sigh, as he laid back in his chair. George wanted to play Minecraft with him. It was 3 am for him, surprised he was up this early, but he couldn't fall asleep. Plus, George was up, and he had a fun idea for the two of them. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Once he started recording, he'll get back to his normal self.

Tugging a shirt on lazily, Dream sat at his set up as he waited for Minecraft to startup. Yawning, he opened discord and waited for George to get ready. It wasn't long before Minecraft loaded, so he downloaded the 'surprise' plugin that George made and shoved that file in Minecraft. A hand on his cheek, Dream lazily glanced around the Discord chat, waiting for George to call. It seemed like it was taking a while though.

Dream thought about facecam, showing his face to millions of people. He wasn't scared. It just ruined the fun to hide in secret. Dream chuckled at the thought, knowing it isn't bothering him. Just a random 3 am thought, of course.

Fingers tapped on the keys of the keyboard, not typing, just waiting for George to hurry his ass up. Dream closed his eyes, sighing. It wasn't long before George was back, ready to call. Once he did, Dream's green eye's shot up to the familiar brunette and smiled tiredly, joining the call before opening Minecraft. "Took you long enough."

"Yeah, Yeah. I was doing something," George responded, smiling. And for a few minutes, it seemed silent on his end. Dream sat up, pausing.

"Ready?" Silence... Dream was about to speak up, rolling his chair again with his eyebrows furrowed until George let out almost an embarrassed chuckle.

"Wow, You don't have do get that close, Dream," George joked, obviously.

Dream stopped everything. His heart dropped and just dead silence, before going back to the discord chat. Seeing both his and Georges face together almost gave him a fucking heart attack. "oH MY GOD-" Without a warning, Dream left the call, rolling back away from his computer, covering his face with his hands. Dream's face felt warm, he was way too embarrassed to say something.

Yeah, he could say sorry, but he left as a reaction of his face being revealed to his best friend.

Dream just groan, annoyed at his dumbass move. "Way too go, idiot, you really did it now..." Dream messed around with his dirty blonde hair before rolling back to the computer. George wasn't on call anymore, but he left a message for Dream.

'I didn't mean to startle u lmao

com bak

ur cute thi


We'll rec tmr <3'

Dream smiled, shaking his head. "Goddamn it, George," He chuckled. He typed out something before standing and walking toward his bed, laying down and sighing out, before falling asleep with George's messages on his mind.

(It's short but it is actually 3 am and I'm tired lmao sorry also my friend gave me the idea thanks uvu)

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