Wet Towles

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"..Hmm?" Humming Leo relaxed his body, his Mate's fingers combed his wet hairs.

"How much do you love me..?"

Brow knitted Leo opened his eyes, "If that's a question I need to answer?"

Sy nodded once.

"Hm." Talking his lover's hand planting a soft kiss, Leonard said. " like a Soren can't describe how much he loves the Moons, one can't describee, deeps of love"

"Can do anything I ask?"

Leonard nodded.

His mate stood up abruptly dumping Leo's head on the bed.
Hands crossed over her chest, Pointing towards the Wet towel on the floor, "Really?"

Smiling innocently Leo Teleported.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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