one and only part here ;-;

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P.s.: this story is genderswitch since I'm not so good at boy×boy. But i do love kyumin so much ♡ and sorry for my broken english ;-;

I stared at my right arm.

It was bandaged-- due to some 'crazy' problems.

Well, I know this may sounds pathetic, but since I was a little kid, I always asked myself this one stupid thing:

'When someome got hurt, they are always had a bandage. Does bandages can really heal scars?.

If so, then it's not my arm that has to be bandaged, but my heart and maybe...

A little bit of my mind.

She said she've got enough of my possessiveness.

But it was pretty obvious that I was her boyfriend and I can be possessive about her.

When i said sorry and I told her that I can't go in without her, she just said that she isn't ready for another complicated love story.

And then I saw her kissed with that chinese guy the next day.

I closed my eyes, trying to think of what's been happening since the first time we met, untill last month when she ended all of it.

I was so happy when I first saw her.

It was like my heart raced everyday and my eyes could only look at her.

Maybe I was crazy back then.


/flashback 1 year ago/

"Hey, gamekyu! What are you doing here?" Yesung asked as he patted my shoulder and sat right in front of me.

I pretended that I didn't hear him and kept playing with my PSP.

"Hello, don't ignore me please~" he said as he glared at me.

"I don't hear you" I mumbled.

Yesung just let out a sigh and took my psp.

"Kim Yesung! Give that PSP back to me, or I'll make sure that you'll not be back home safely!" I shouted--trying to threaten Yesung.

He's getting annoying right now.

"No!" He answered as he hid my PSP behind his back. "It was a punishment for ignoring me"

"Hey, you just called me gamekyu! How could gamekyu lived without a game?" I blurted out.

"It seems like that you've heard me clearly before" he said as he shot me a dirty look. "You're such a liar! I'm going to tell you mom about this! And by the way, I'm 4 years older than you! You should call me hyung!"

Oh, how I hate him.

"Okay,okay, hyung, give your little brother his toy back, please?" I asked with a puppy eyes.

Yesung just look at me with this disgusted look in his face."okay, I'll give this back to you if you want to talk to me for a minute" he said as he holding up my PSP. "Or two" he added.

"Just go straight to the point" I said impatiently.

"Okay, I have a friend, she's a girl. And she needs a singing partner for the talent showcase. You know how to sing right? Pretty please!~" said Yesung

."is she pretty?" I asked.

Yesung just shot me a dirty look and answered "yeah".

"You lied".

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