Chapter 1

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Ann's POV

"Ann!!! Dont leave me please!!!" a boy in a cute mushroom style head shouts at my direction.

"Ann, honey we have to go, our flight is here." a women calls my name and tugs at my wrist.

I looked at the boy, feeling tears are already escaping from my sockets.

"What about Youngmin?.....Tell him I said good luck...You too....." my voice cracks

"Ann...Dont cry....Promise me, your mine forever....We will definitely see each other in a few years okay? Now have a safe flight to Seoul. And lets keep in touch. Now stop crying and smile girl. Pretty girls don't cry 'k?" the boy comes and hugs me with a warm hug while wiping my tears. I hugged him more tightly as if he was a stuffed toy bear.

"Good bye Ann...I'll see you in the future..." he waves me good bye and watches me leave.

As I got dragged by my mother, I keep looking at the boy. Tears were flowing down my cheeks frequently than ever.

"Wait for me then..." I whisper....

*alarm rings in my ears suddenly.*

"Ughh...wont it just shut up for a while...." I grunt as I search my phone hastily under my pillow and hit the snooze button immediately.

I sigh...Peace at last....

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD~~~~~!!!!!!!" Jackson screams in my ears

"What the heck just shut up wont you?!" I grunt like a grinch at my annoying brother.

"Aww come one its your last year of high school this year. Your going to graduate this year!! NOw get up and put on a good impression for your last year of high school." Jackson snatches away my blanket and letting the cold air touch my warm legs. That practically makes me awake every morning.

I glared at my brother who is technically two years older than me. "Fine fine, I'm getting up..."

I rush to the bathroom, knowing that i only got 45 minutes to spare with the bus coming in 30 minutes. I look at myself at the mirror. Finding myself in a pile of sweat on my face.

What was I dreaming? usual dream of course...Kwangmin....

I wonder how he is right now....Hopefully he will be graduating this year as well...I shake my head and went back to brushing my teeth.

As I got dressed I see my brother smiling like a idiot with his phone on his hand. "Whatcha smilin bout?" I said and playfully smack him on the head.

"Owww whats thats for huh? Now shoo this aint any of your business. Your too young for this." He said and went back concentrating on his phone. I peaked my head over his shoulder, finding a picture of a girl with pretty brown eyes and long black hair. Shes pretty darn.

"Young my ass huh, I'm already 17 and your here telling me that I dont know what love is huh?" I said and munch on a apple.

I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at him "Is she your~"

"No NO. Its not what you think of. Now hurry up and finish your damn apple and leave!"

I continued to munch and smiled at my brother cheekily.

"Mom! Ann is annoying me to death!" Jackson tattle tales to our mom.

"Mom~! Jackson is in love with a girl from uni~!!" I shout again.

"God you kids, cant you stop bugging each other just for a moment. Jackson you should have treated your sister in a better way than this. I expect more from you sometimes." our mom shouts us from the kitchen with annoyance

"See? Your the big brother la~ You shouldnt treat your sister like this ah~" I said cheekily.

"Oh oh oh~ someone's accent is coming out again~"

I cover my mouth. I couldnt let anyone notice about my Hong Kong accent . It is just too weird...

"Eat your breakfast and get out of my face quick!.." I mutter at him while glaring.

"HA! Someone is pissed now!"

I rolled my eyes, "Mom! I'm leaving to school now! Bye. And youll be getting this later when I come home from school." I glared at my brother one last time and closed my door behind me. Still hearing him cackle to death inside the house. I decided to pull out my phone and plug my ears with music and head for school...

Kwangmin's POV

Knowing that I got 30 more minutes to spare I should be waking up my brother up now. I quicken my pace, thinking that its going to be hard work just to wake up my twin brother...

"Hyung...hyung wake up...its the first day of high school and it will be our last year as well...." I start.

He shakes my hand off with a slap on my palm. "Come on hyung....we've got 25 minutes left..."

"Fine fine fine...I'm awake you morning call beeper." i hear my brother waking up and throwing a mini tantrum at me. I smiled, this is how my morning goes every single day.

"Go ahead and change, I got your breakfast ready already." I said and leave him off waking up on the bed.

Walking back to my room and flop back on my bed with a thud, I stare at the picture frame that I placed near the window.

"Ann....I miss you....It's been 7 years...I guess your going to graduate with me this year huh?....Only I'm still in love you ah....When will we be able to meet each other again then?...." I whisper to myself while looking at the picture that was taken 7 years ago...Just a few days before when Ann told me that she's leaving off to Korea Seoul . The only problem is that I'm here, in Seoul. Finding you....

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