Chapter 1

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Amelia's P.O.V

The cool summer breeze swept through my hair as I exited the front door of my house and made my way to my work place. Being a high-school student and working part time was not an easy job especially when you were an A* student. But regardless, I never let these obnoxious thoughts get in my way. Unlike many other students who work part time to help fund their college savings, the mere thought never crossed my mind. Going to college was least of my concerns right now. I had far more important things to do in my life right now and college was nowhere even near that list. Call me stupid but I don't care.

It was just that I had stopped dreaming after some life changing turn of events occurred.

Sighing, I didn't realise I had now reached the cafe where I worked at. My work place was just a 5-10 minutes walk from my house which I spent mostly in contemplating about my life and nearly getting hit by a car, might I add. Which by the way happened when I was once overthinking stuff and didn't notice the red signal, until a stranger pulled me away before I was hit by the car and to this day I am thankful to that person whoever that was. p.s love you


I opened the door to the cafe which I also call my second home, and was welcomed by the pleasant aroma of the freshly brewed coffee. Inhaling the smell, I smiled to myself and maneuvered to the kitchen. Opening the kitchen door I was met by my most favourite people on this planet.

Giving the three of them a warm hug, I pulled away and greeted them with a wide grin.

" Ken, Laura and of course ever so lovely Ellen. how are you all?" I hand gestures towards them dramatically. Giggling Laura pulled me in for another hug and wailed,

" No, how are you girl? Do you know how much worried we all were for you. You didn't even attend any of my calls"

" I'm sorry Laura, I was just.. busy. I know I've been missing out on school too but it's just that something came up." I tried to crack a reassuring smile while explaining.

" Is he ok? I'm sorry if I sounded too eager right now. I know it must be difficult for you," Laura said, worry lingering in her tone. The other two were quiet, they were just letting Laura do the talking but I could sense the concern in their eyes.

Sighing, I turned towards them and said,

" Yea. Everything's ok now. He's.. he's in better condition now" I bit my lower lip and nodded my head, mostly trying to reassure myself. " Oh and Ellen he told me to thank you for the cookies that you sent the other day. Said, he hadn't had anything like it in years."

Ellen smiled contentedly and held my hands in hers.

" I'm glad he liked them. You do know that I'll always be there if you need anything right. You can consider me a mother like figure," feeling my eyes welling up in tears I gave her hands a light squeeze and wiped my eyes for any sign of tears.

Ellen was the owner of this cafe. She was the most sweetest and kindest person I could ever ask for in my life.
She was one of those very few people who stood by my side through my rough times. She gave me a job when others refused to hire me because of my not so much experience and my demand for an advance whenever I needed. She had always treated me like her own daughter and will be forever grateful to her for that.

" Alright then, you ready to start your shift?" Nodding, I pulled away from her side and joined the others who had now gone outside.

By the time my shift had ended the sun was almost setting. Today had been a fairly normal day at the cafe. Ken and Laura kept me cheered up the entireq time, throwing a few remarks at the customers here and there. I couldn't help but chuckle at their attempts to lighten up my mood. We kept fooling around until Ellen came and gave us a deadly glare after which we immediately shut up. I mouthed her a sorry and she just shook her head, smiling.

I took the bus from the neared bus stop and was on my way to my last destination for the day. Looking outside the window I rested my arm against the window sill and watched everything pass in a blur, relative to the motion of the bus. This is exactly how my life had been for the past few years. Like the gust of the wind, everything was taken away from me. I can't believe I once lived the life of a Disney princess. Perfect home and a perfect family. A time when everything was rainbows and unicorns for me. That was the life I had lived until I was 11. But little did I know that it had all been a hoax. Like a staged drama. Nothing was ever real. It was until I was 11 when I heard my parents arguing and my mom frustrated groans. I found out amidst they were having a heated conversation that my dad, My Dad who had been a perfect role model for me and who would cheer me up whenever I would cry after spilling my ice cream cone, was never the same. Behind those glistening smiles and blissful facade had been a completely different person. That was the first time I had seen my father in that agonising pain. That was then when I heard that he had 3 stage lung cancer. My father was not the same that he seemed in-front of his kids. He was looked very different and in pain. His eyes very tired and he was silently pleading my mother to stop complaining to him.

I was devastated and I wondered why I had never seen the pain though those smiles. I was cut off from my train of thoughts when the driver called out to me, " Miss, unless you don't know this is the last stop." It was until he gestured outside that I noticed that the bus had in fact come to a halt and we were outside the hospital where my father waited for me.

I pushed open the door to the familiar environment of the hospital and directed towards the room where my father stays. Going up in the elevator I reached the second floor and just turned around the corner when I saw my dads doctor coming out of his appointed room. Walking up to him, I asked him about my fathers health.

" He's better now. The past few days had been tough for him but he made it through. He's a tough man." The doctor reassured me.

" So is he completely out of danger for now or.." I asked dreading his answer.

" Amelia, you know he has tumour in his lungs. There can be breathing complications and coughing up blood in severe cases. But one can only hope. We're doing his therapy and leaving the rest to god."

" I understand. Let me know when the results come in" I took one last look at him and averted my eyes. Shit! Why does this get to me every time? Breathe Amelia Breathe. Giving him a slight nod, I decided to go to the bathroom first. I didn't want my dad to see me in this state. I wanted to look the best for him.

Washing my face one last time. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Yes you can do this! Just like that. Smile, for him. This time I smiled even more widely and as much as I wanted to break down I held in everything and went out from the restroom.

I was walking in the hospital ward when I caught sight of someone coming out from the psychiatrists room.He was new here. I had never seen this guy here before. Visiting the hospital for nearly 6 years I knew everyone here. Even the patients. That is why this guy particularly caught my attention. He was tall and lean. He had dark brown/ brunette hair and he was dressed in all black. He had his head down as he closed the door and something about him seemed familiar like I had known him from somewhere. I was mentally debating where I had seen him before, when he looked up and caught me staring at him. I locked my eyes with his blue pair, those blue eyes held an ocean of its own and it felt like the ocean was swallowing me whole , deep within its self until I  found my self swimming in that ocean, trapped in its glory. But something about those blue eyes seemed familiar. Thinking hard, they seemed too familiar. No it can't be. I shook my head and looked at him again but he had already pulled his hood up and walked passed me.

I wanted to go up at him but I decided against it. It might be someone else. I mean anyone can have blue eyes right?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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