Freshman Year

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      I woke up to what I thought it was, Sunday. I got out of bed quick and went downstairs. I saw my mom with an overly excited expression on her face, I was kinda concerned.
      "Uh.. you okay mom?" I asked.
      She didn't say anything for a few seconds but eventually spoke.
      "You don't know what day it is?" My mom asked in confusion.
      I thought about it. What could it be? Hmmm...
      ......I figured it out.
"Oh god... it's the first day of freshman year isn't it?" I said. "Yes!! And I'm so proud of you for making it here!" Mom said as she started to tear up.
"Oh god, mom.. it's okay." I said.
"I'm just so proud!!" Mom said as she went to the kitchen table to get a tissue. "Get ready for your first day, darling!" Mom said. I nodded and went back upstairs.
When I reached my room I opened up my closet and thought of what to wear. "Hmm... oh! I know what to wear!" I said as I grabbed the jeans and the shirt and changed into them.

I then went downstairs and went to the kitchen for breakfast. "What's for breakfast today?" I asked patiently.
"A turkey and cheese sandwich with cola" mom said. She put them in front of me. "Enjoy!" Mom said.
She went to the living room and turned on the T.V. I grabbed the sandwich and ate it in four bites and put the cola in the bag for later.
I had 15 minutes left until I leave so I watched T.V. with my mom.


Mom grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. off. "Time for you to go!" Mom said excitedly. "Alright!" I said as I went towards my bag. I put it on and then put on my shoes.
"Give mama a hug before you go" mom said.
I went to her and hugged her tight. "I'll miss you soooo much darling." Mom said. "Me too." I replied.
Few seconds later she opened the door for me. "Have a great day!" Mom said. I nodded and went out the door.

I walked and waved to my mom and she waved back and closed the door slowly. I waited for the bus. I saw a girl walk to me that looked like she went to my school.
"Hey!" She said.
"Hi" I nervously replied.
"My name is Kadynce but you can call me Kady for short." She said.
Before I could say, "nice to meet you" I heard the bus come.
The bus parked here and opened the doors. Me and Kady walked in. I sat in the front and Kady sat on the other seat next to me. The bus' doors didn't close for a few minutes, I was really confused. I then saw a boy run here quickly.
"He must be late for the bus" I thought to myself. He went in with so much sweat. "Sorry....I.. was late" he said.
He sat in the seat behind me and then the bus doors closed.

At School

"The school pretty!" I thought to myself. I was so excited but scared to go in. When the bus stopped at the school my heart was going really quick, I was overly nervous.
People were getting up and so I did too. I eventually got out the bus and walked in. The school had so many hallways that it gave me an extreme panic attack. I felt like I was going to pass out.
I needed the bathroom. I looked around and saw the bathroom on the right. I went to it and saw the mirror filled with names and hearts. I tried to ignore it and just went in a stall.

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