23 5 3

I didn't care about finding my soulmate. All my friends had met their's early on in life, sometimes as young as five years old. But here I was, 23 and lonely. Thinking about it left me sad and bitter.

"Better hurry up if you want kids."

"If you cared you'd find them easier."

These were some of the words I heard daily by everyone in my life.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I don't think it would have made a difference, to be honest. You meet, you meet. You don't, you don't. It shouldn't be that hard or draining. It should just happen, right? It makes sense that way. If your bound to be together, you should find each other easily. No hassle, no problem, nothing. It should be easy as 1 2 3.

"Ji-eun. Pay attention to me!" My friend whined and shook my shoulders.

"Sorry. What were you wanting?" I sigh and focus on her pouting face. She really cared about me but I didn't actually want to talk to her today. I wanted to sulk about being lonely. By myself. In bed. Reading and watching tv. Not with her and her whining about how I need to find my soulmate. Again.

"I got us a date tonight." She smiles, gleaming with pride as she jumps up and down on my bed.

"What do you mean 'us'? You're married and, as you may have noticed, I don't have a soulmate. Fresh out. And, please, stop jumping. It's annoying the heck out of me." I pull her shoulder to sit her down.

"My husband and I have been searching for you. Since you and your lazy ass won't bother lifting a finger. Anyways, we found a guy who has a similar timeline to you. Maybe you'll find him tonight. Plus, he's really cute. His name is Chanyeol. Tall, too." She smiles to herself, proud of the work her and her husband have done for me.

"I don't wanna get dressed up for something that is most likey to be bound to fail." I lay down and stare at the tree that houses two small sparrows outside my bedroom window. I'd rather be a bird who doesnt have to worry about soulmates. They seem to have life so easy.

"Well, you're gonna. He's really looking forward to meeting you. Hes 28 so he's been lonely longer than you. Suck it up and go to meet him." She smacks my leg and pulls my arm.

I sigh and follow her as she drags me into the bathroom to get me ready for the big night. I don't what all she is expecting to happen but, I let her pretty me up however she sees fit.

What seems like decades later, I find myself sitting across from a beautiful man in a fancy restaurant. She was right. He is really cute. Tall, dimpled, well mannered, actually kind of funny too. I can feel that my clock is still counting down, though. So, I know he isnt the one, unfortunately. Otherwise it would have stopped when we met eyes. It would have been nice if he was the one for me, though. He looks like he gives good hugs. And that, my friend, is exactly what I what and need right now.

"Its been nice meeting you, Ji Eun." He smiles, a small amount of his dimples showing. "Maybe next time we meet up I can show you my dog! His name is Toben and he would absolutely love you."

"Look, this was nice and all but, since we aren't soulmates, it ain't gonna work out. Let's just call it a day, yeah?" I sigh. No need to start getting attached it we can't be together. Better to cut it off with it's still warm than to wait for it to cool and settle.

"I, I guess so. It was nice meeting you, still. I hope we can be good friends from today onward." He smiled, frowning slightly at my curtness.

"You have my number. And, I'll gladly meet your dog. I love them a lot." I nodded, smiling a little bit, and got up to leave. As I got up, I stumbled into the waitress. She fell into my date, the food landing on the floor at least instead of his fancy suit.

When they made eye contact, you heard their clocks ring. Well, that worked out I guess.

Too angry to bother looking at my clock I say my apologies and walk away, inwardly sighing and holding back tears. Why am I so left out? Everyone meets their stupid soulmate when they meet up with me and I make a mistake that coises them to meet. Is that all I am? A matchmaker? Where's mine? I mentally scream to whoever created this clockwork soulmate mess as i go to step outside of the door.

Just my luck, I can see that it's raining when I get to the door. And, like an idiot, I didn't have an umbrella. I decide to blame my friend for putting me in this whole situation. But, then again, if I hadn't have gone to meet Chanyeol, he wouldnt have been able to find his soulmate. At least someone was lucky tonight. Stupid jerk. Maybe I should go somewhere no one cares about the clock and just hook up with a random guy. No, that's a bad idea. I should just go home and cry. Again.

I sigh and turn to run back to my house. Within seconds of me turning around, though, someone runs into me.

We both fall to the ground with a grunt and a thud. The rain came down harshly and he covered me with his jacket, moving to apologize.

I look up to the man now on top of me as he is trying to get up in the slippery rain and that's when it hits.

My clock.

My stupid annoying clock.

It rings.

It's ringing.

The timer has gone off.

He stares at me, just as breathless as I was.

"Hello, soulmate." He smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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