Episode One - A Hard Days Night

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December 7th 1961

It was cold. Not frigid cold, the kind of cold that needs a little more than just a hoodie. But with the wind chill, it was sure to bite the ass of anyone who made the decision to go out in just a hoodie. And boy, many people did end up getting bitten in the ass for it. The thermometers of the millions of people told them the temperature alright, but not the wind chill as well. So, many went underdressed, unprepared for the stinging wind sweeping across the city. Hospitals seemed to be slightly busier on that particular day, with many people going in to check for frostbite, or even rush in for hypothermia.

On that particular Thursday, Graham was checking into the hospital, but for a totally different reason. However, he was underdressed as well, and found himself shivering for a long time in the line to the receptionist's desk. After no more than seven minutes, he got to the desk.

"Good morning, sir," said the girl behind the counter, behind a big pane of glass. 

"Hullo," Graham said charmingly.

"What can I do for you?" she smiled.

"I have an appointment made with Dr. Robert for half past ten," said Graham, "It's for my nose, I broke it about four months ago, and I've had breathing problems at night since then."

"Oh dear," the receptionist began, "What on earth happened?"

"Oh, I was being a hooligan. A mate of mine and I were playing LaCrosse together, I charged at him and on instinct he cross-checked me in the breather." 

"Good gravy, that must have been fun!"

"Well, if you were the one who hit me it was," Graham chuckled.

"Well, let me get some information down for you, okay?"

"Yes, yes of course."

The receptionist, who's name happened to be Rita, asked him the basic questions of himself, and of course, he answered accordingly. Graham Tyler, five foot ten, brown eyes, brown hair, rather broad, decently built, short beard, all things Rita jotted down into her notes for the doctor. This went on for longer than it took for the other patients. Maybe frostbite isn't as severe as its made out to be? Who knows.

Rita finished her notes.

"Alright sir," began Rita, "have a seat in the waiting room and we'll call your name when the doctor is ready to see you."

"Thank you madame," Graham said jokingly, "if you say my name like Gra-Ham, you're going to find a poshy man in your waiting room."

Rita cackled, "By all means, I'm not stupid, Graham." She pronounced it correctly.

"Ahh, lovely, Rita!"

Rita smiled and began talking to the next patient. Graham turned around and began walking to the big room to his right. The Waiting Room. There were about a hundred seats in that room, each divided into rows of ten, with chairs facing back to back in every row, making five even rows. About twenty-five people were waiting, with most watching the TV. Jailhouse Rock was being broadcast onto the screen, a movie starring Elvis Presely that released in 1957. Graham avoided looking or listening to the TV. At some points it was noticable to others of his avoidance of the TV. That caught the attention of someome, yes indeed.

"You don't like Elvis?" asked someone in front of Graham, speaking in a thick Liverpool accent. Graham looked up to find a man smiling at him, showing his vampire like teeth, and revealing his pointy chin. 

"Nah," Graham replied, "He's just all the same. Songs other people wrote for him, all with the same structure, and his stupid 'hubbubbawubba' voice." The man laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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