Commander and the Tsundere Wedding

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The Commander breathed a sigh as he stared at himself in a mirror.  He turned his eyes to the corner of the room to see a clean black suit hung up for him by the royal maids. One they had helped him choose for his wedding day. Everyone on the base was shocked to hear the news the day he had proposed to Admiral Hipper. No one quite understood his reason for choosing Hipper of all people, no one aside from the Commander himself.

Since she arrived on the base, the Commander always saw Hipper as someone who was bitter and miserable and so what little time the Commander had to himself he dedicated to trying to find a way to make Hipper happy. Despite her attitude problems, the Commander found himself drawn to something inside Hipper after the many hours he spent inviting her on walks, working with her, or just trying to get to the bottom of her sour moods.

Hipper accepted his proposal much to his joy, however the days leading up their eternal union had the Commander questioning his decision now of all times.

“Jeez, Kommandant is really annoying, following me around like he has nothing better to do.”, “really Kommandant? Are you really that useless?”, “Hah?! No I don’t love him. I only accepted that proposal so he wouldn’t embarrass himself! It’s not like I care or anything!”.
The things he had heard Hipper say leading up the present echoed in his mind. The last one was the one that bothered him the most. The one that made him realize that despite all they had done together, never once had Hipper actually said that she even loved him.

Did he really make the right decision? Would Hipper just walk out on him In front of the altar, breaking his heart for the entire fleet to see? Or would it be even worse if she did say yes, and trap him in a relationship in which his various attempts to thaw her ice cold heart would constantly fail.

He knew it was only natural to be nervous at one’s own wedding, but the Commander found himself on the verge of tears as he buried his face into his hands, stressing over his many doubts and worries. The Commander’s troubled thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. He took a moment to wipe away his tears before he called out to whoever was behind the door, giving them permission to enter. The door swung open to reveal his soon to be sister in law, Prinz Eugen.
“Greetings Kommandant. How are your preparations going, are you perhaps nervous?”

“I’m fine Eugen, thanks.” The Commander replied. Eugen simply hummed before making her way to a sofa on the side of the room.  Eugen sat down on the sofa and silently patted the cushion beside her, gesturing for the Commander to join her. The Commander complied with her request, making his way to the sofa and sitting beside her.

“You don’t have to hide anything from me Kommandant. Now that we are family you are free to share all of your troubles with me”. The Commander didn’t answer Eugen, simply burying himself further into the sofa. He always felt uneasy when speaking with Eugen, it felt as though she could see right through him. “Are you perhaps having second thoughts?” Eugen asked.

“It’s… a little more complicated than that.” The Commander answered. Eugen began to slowly inch closer to the Commander. “You know I wouldn’t blame you for having second thoughts. After all my sister doesn’t seem cut out to be a wife at all does she?”

The Commander was taken back by Eugen's harsh words towards her own sister. The Commander sat stunned as she drew uncomfortably close, placing a hand on his thigh. “I can tell you care about her a lot. You always try to make her happy but has she ever returned the favor? I bet you haven’t even done anything naughty yet, have you two even kissed?”

“I kiss her on the cheek sometimes!” the Commander retorted, only for Eugen to scoff. “I see. Either way a flatty like her probably wouldn’t be able to satisfy you anyway. You must be very pent up, perhaps I can help you with that Kommandant.”

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