I'm so fucking gay

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Kirishima's pov

As I walked into class 1a I noticed a certain ash blonde angry pineapple ass looken pamerain bitch

This was my best bro/crush bakuhoe thotsuki. We've know each other for a Willie now and have become quite close. I also noticed that he wasn't sitting in his normal seat. He was sitting on the one Right. Next. To. Mine.

I noticed this an amedeitly fell a wave of blush shoot across my face.

I turned away to see mina creating a shrine to shreck. Denki brain dead. And sero atacted to the celling by his own tape. 'Why are they like this' I thought as I realized I had no choice but to go to my seat, and be faced with the bakubitch that fallow.

As I sat down I saw Bakugo slide me a note. I don't pay much atenshion to it and continue to unpack until I see Izawa enter the room I turn to face the front and open the note not wanting to pay attention to the lesson that fallow.

I felt my mouth drop as I read the note.  Meet me at my dorm after school.

I had know idea what it ment ,but whatever it was, whater he needs, I will do it. I  swear.

《Time skip ya hooligans》

Class had ended and, I was feeling so fucking gay. I mean I always feel like this but, it just hightenss. I mean, how could it not.

When I was finally snapped from my train of thought mina, kami,and sero
Were all gathered behind me they asked, and I quote "can we paint you green and sacrifice you to shreck?" I politely declined and volenterd M*neta instead. They refused saying that "shreck deserves better " I mean they weren't wrong.  I looked to my sied to see that Bakugo wasn't thire. I thought he just left early, so I just continued to shove my note into my backpack and think gay. I mean, can you blame me.


Once the bell rang I hoped out of my seat and started to pack. I could tell shitty hair wasn't paying attention. I didn't care. I knew what I was going to do. And chances are he new it to. So I wasn't conserned. Because I new that even if he wasn't paying attention to now, he would later, he would be moneing my fucking name by the time I'm done with him. Just you wait and see.  I'ma make him my bitch. Once I was done packing I went to my dorms. After all I had a big night ahead of me. I cleaned up a little and through on some casual yet sudective close.(pictures at bottom) I was prepared the question is. Is he?


Once I finished packing and snapped out of gay panic moed, I started to head up to my dorm. Once I arrived I let my hair hang down and through on a hoodie. I was kinda nervous about what Bakugo might do. I mean which knows what could happen next? 

I looked at my phone and decided it was time to head over. I went to Bakugo's room and knocked on the door. And what happened next I will never forget.


I sat on my bed waiting for shitty hair to arrive. It was tiresome until I heard a knock on my door.  I openedit to see shitty hair looken like the whole dang meal.  Let's just say, I was hungry. I looked at kirshima up and down. And licked my lips. I knew that this would end in my favor. Just how is the question.


The door swang open to reveal Bakugo standing thier. Looking at me up and down. Then he licked his lips. This was my chance! "Like what you see. " I said with a smirk. He paused and we made eye contact. I suddenly felt an earge to pounce but, I kept my composure. 

That was until I felt a pair of hands pull me in by my waist.

Wait.......I knew were this was going.
Bring it.

I was completely lost in thought until I felt a pair of soft lips against mine. What was he KISSING ME. Omg this can not be happening.


The kiss continued until Bakugo pulled away. "I'm not good with words but I really like you shi- kirshima." Bakugo said.He then pulled him into his dorm by his waist,
And placed him on hid bed. Kirshima was to horney to care at this point so without thinking he pulled Bakugo by his shirt and placed him on the bed next to him. He then climbedinto his lap and kissed him. "I like you to Bakugo." He said pulling away from the kiss. Bakugo was completely aware of how the night would end. But was Kirshima? Kirshima leand tords Bakugo and kissed him aging, Bakugo leaned into the kiss and licked  his bottom lip for permission to enter his mouth. Kirshima being the little cinomoin roll that he was didint exsacly know what this ment. But Bakugo wasn't taking no for an awnser. He  bit Kirishima's bottom lip whiched cause kirshima to let out a small mone Bakugo took this chance and quickly slid his tongue into the red head's mouth. Thire tongues began a fight for domestic and of course, Bakugo won. He took the opportunity and began to exslpor kirs mouth. Kirshima became tired of be ing teased like this and began to grind on Bakugo. ( kirshima is still in Bakugos lap btw) Bakugo took the message and pinned kirshima to the bed. "Now be good for daddy" Bakugo said before taking off the shark boy's shirt, and then his own. Bakugo then reached tords his bedside table and pulled out a pair had cuffs.  Kirshima was surprised to say the least, he didn't think Bakugo would be into that king of stuff. But then again this was Bakugo we were talking about. Overall kir didn't care he just wanted Bakugo inside him. He wanted it now!
Bakugo then placed the hand cuffs on Kirshima restricting him to the head bord. Then Bakugo began to leave hickeys all across kirshimas neck. Kirk begged Bakugo to fuck him sencless. Luckily Bakugo agreed. Bakugo flipped kirshima over so that he was on all fours. He then stripped them both so that they were only in boxers. Then with one swift stroke removed the shark boy's boxers, and then his own. Bakuhoe then began to prep the shark boy for the events that would fallow. Bakugo placed 2 ginger into the redheads mouth. "Suck" he said . The read head did what he was told and traced the fingers in silivea before pulling them off and then shoveing them up the shark boy's ass.
This caused a smirk to form on Bakugos face and Kirshima to be a moneing mess.  Once he was satisfied, without hesitation Bakugo thrusting into kirshima to let out another mone filled with pain and pleasure. This just made Bakugo even more cocky and continued to thrust into kirshima full force. "Baby I'm tired of doing all the work,do you want to give it a go?" Unquestioned Bakugo. "S-s-sure" said Kirshima as Bakugo uncuffed him and lied on his back playing Kirshima on his lap. "Ried me" Bakugo said. Kirshima didn't question it and just did as he was told. He began bouncing on Bakugos dick. Eventually they both cumed multiple times. They both got tired and went to sleep.


Kirshim walked out of Bakugo's room whereing one of Bakugo's hoodies. Still a little tipsy form the night before. And covered in hicys. A few seconds later Bakugo followed. They went to the comen room to find the bakusquad and dekusuad +momo and jero all eating breakfast. Mina rushed over to the pair and screamed "MY FUCKING SHIP IS SAILING "   and then walked off.

If you made it thus far thanks for reading my first smut. I really apriceate it ,💛💛💛

Word count 1358

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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