Chapter 1

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Sqaishey POV

"And I am sorry guys, but Quacktopia is gone. The server has completely crashed and I don't know what happened. That's all for this video, bye!!" I said as I signed off the video. Today has not been the best day. Quacktopia is gone, my boyfriend and I are fighting, and it is looking like I might need a new microphone soon. I decided to watch the newest MAC videos to try and cheer myself up. Stampy and Squid were playing on a map with Daisy that had huge statues of them at the spawn. The creator was obviously a huge fan, just like me. "You know what?" I said to myself, "I'm going to make Stampy a map to play on!" 
2 hours later I had finally finished and decided to record a little video so to show my subscribers and maybe Stampy. I made sure to not show everything just in case Stampy played it. By the time I uploaded it I was exhausted so I went to bed. 

\~~Time Skip~~/

I woke up then next morning feeling a little better, but still a little depressed. I wandered down the hall to my kitchen to make myself some tea before I checked my comments. Once I was awake I woke up my computer to see that all the comments on my Quacktopia video were sad that it was not coming back. It was comforting that they cared. I then pulled up the video I had made for Stampy. My vision tunneled and I screamed as I saw that the one and only Kitty Cat had commented on my video!!! I finally stopped screaming and read the comment. 

"This map looks great. I probably shouldn't have watched it all in case I end up doing it. Luckily you didn't show everything.

The map was great but your commenatry was fantastic. I am going to check out more of your videos. :)"

I then started screaming all over again! When I finally calmed down after a half hour of freaking out and dancing around my room, I typed out my reply. 

"Thank you Mr Stampy Cat. You can watch more videos if you want but I must warn you that you may be smashing your paws on your head the whole way through "THIS DUCK DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING!" haha. Thanks again, you cool cat ️"

Almost immediately after I had commented I heard my phone go off in the tone that I had received a dm on Twitter. I opened up my phone and just managed to muffle my scream as '1 message from Stampy Cat' came up on the screen. "Dear Sqaishey, I would love to play your map. Is there any time that works for you?" I typed out "I am free all day after a half hour from now. Does 12:00 work for you?" "Sure" he said, "I will see you then." 
I then dropped everything to get dressed and make sure that the map was perfect, nothing broken. I sent Stampy the server address at 11:30 so he could join when he felt like it. Right at 12 on the dot 'StampyLongnose joined the game' popped up and I saw the orange cat walk straight over to me and start waving. I lead him over to the start and he went and stood right where he is supposed to. I dumped water on him and he typed a frowning face into the chat and pretended to shake himself dry. I laughed as I opened the door. 

Even though he said he had watched the video, Stampy was taking his time. In the little quick build area I told him to build something related to someone else’s videos. I once again started to freak out because he built my shed in Feather Adventure!!!! He did go back and watch my videos! I opened the door for him when he finished and he ran off into the maze while I started a timer on my phone. Finally after 7 or so minutes I heard the door open so I ran through my wormholes to get to the next challenge. There I saw Stampy punching the dirt. I typed ‘There are shovels in the chest Stampy!’ into the chat in which he replied ‘I am a man cat! I don’t need shovels! J’. I giggled when after a minute of punching dirt he went and got a shovel. It took him another couple minutes to find the door at the very bottom on the wall. He spent a couple minutes in each room, trying to memorize them I’m guessing, then went to answer the questions by typing them in the chat because I am not clever enough to do fancy Redstone scoring system. He managed to get only 1 correct! When I hoped down into the pun room Stampy was looking down at the ground and not moving. ‘Would you like me to skype you so you can tell me how I did and so you can see my reactions to the puns?’ he typed. I squealed and sent him my skype before quickly using the camera on my phone to make sure that I didn’t look horrible. I was running my brush through my hair when the call came through. I waited a second before accepting the call and felt a huge smile form on my face as Stampy appeared on my screen.

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