I'll be waiting...

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and as long as I'm livin'
I'll be waitin'
as long as I'm breathin'
I'll be there
whenever you call me
I'll be waitin'
whenever you need me
I'll be there

-"I'll be waiting "Lenny Kravitz

On an airplane somewhere over the west coast.

  The flight had been underway for a little over a couple of hours. And still there was silence between the two of them. Maybe too many things were left unsaid from the last time or the cabin of a plane was too public of a place to say anything. Luckily for Steve, Cath had taken a small nap while still holding on to his hand after the meal service. So, at least he had time to practice what he was going to say to her. 

    As Cath let out a soft sigh in her sleep, Steve studied her face and her hands. Something he never thought that he would never be able to see again. And now could only see her in his future. She was his happiness and peace all in one. None of the other girls that either Danny had tried to set him up with or that he had assumed that he could move on with, never did fill the void in his heart. It had always been her. Catherine knew him inside and out. She knew why he did the things that he did. And was always there when he needed her. No matter what. 

  When he felt Cath pull her hand away, he panicked until he looked up at her and saw her stretch. As a small smile crept over her face, Steve could feel his heart soar as he returned the smile. "How'd you sleep?"he asked her in a low tone. She hadn't been the only one sleeping on the plane and the last thing he wanted was to wake anyone else. "I slept good for the first time in a long time,"she replied. 'But to be honest, I was scared that you wouldn't be there when I woke up..."she confessed. 

  And that was the go ahead he needed to talk to her. "I am ready for what is next,"he told her. "Just like you told me we are together to the end,"he added. It felt strange in a good way to finally be able to open to someone after so long. "I didn't want to wait for you when you left because I wanted to protect myself. But I know now, that being without you is hell." He got quiet as he lay back in his seat and closed his eyes. Steve felt vulnerable in front of her. Catherine on the other hand, let everything sink in before she leaned over and kissed him softly. 

   Opening his eyes, he looked over at her. A small part was scared that he had imagined that kiss, but when he opened his eyes, and she was there, he was sure of what the future would hold. And it was going to include Catherine in some way. "You've got me sailor,"Cath assured him. "Through good and bad,"she added. "Just know that I have loved you since I saw your stubborn ass walk in to the briefing room back when we were both in Navy Intel,"Cath grinned at him. "I knew you were the one from day one. I was just waiting for you to see it too,"Cath sighed as she sat back in her seat and turned to look at him. "I'm pretty sure that all this had to happen so we can see what we really had in front of us."

  Steve smiled at her again. That same goofy smile he gets whenever he thinks of her or anyone even remotely mentions his girl. Because lets face it, Catherine Rollins is his girl and would always would be. And he wanted to right by her. Tearing off a piece off the napkin, he twisted it until it sort of resembled a ring. Turning the best he could in the small space of their seats, he held up the ring for her. "One day I'll get you a real one. But being on a plane, this is the best I can do,"he explained himself as the people from across the aisle watched them. But Steve was just focused on Catherine who was looking at him like he was crazy. 'Would you still say yes to being my wife?"he asked her as his voice trembled a bit from nerves. Catherine covered her face as her eyes stung with tears. 

   The passengers in the front of them and to the side were watching them. The longer Cath didn't answer the more Steve got worried that she was going to say no. But when Cath took a deep breath and removed her hand from her face, she nodded. "Of course I'll be your wife..."she finally replied. Slipping the makeshift ring on to her finger, Steve kissed her as he got back into his seat and the other passengers offered congratulations to them. 

  Even with all the celebrating, there was still a small matter to attend to. "Are you really done with them?"Steve asked worried. Catherine nodded,"your mom somehow worked it out for me to get out once the cipher was solved,"she said. "Now, I can just be Jane Normal girl,"she added as the pilot announced their descent in to the airport. "Maybe being farmers on Joe's ranch was what needed to do to see clearly..."she joked as she put her seatbelt back on. 

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