Chapter 1

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Adeloras chest tightened as she grasped the rubbery material of the leather arms chairs so tightly that her finger tips whitened. She hated planes. The feeling of being 33,000 feet to 42,000 up in the air just riled her anxiety to the max. The air hostesses voice booming through the speakers ringed through her ears as her friend Lerina chattered constantly informing Adelora all about the 'Adventures of Mexico'. It was nice to hear her so excited but all she wished for was silence, just some peace to help her get through this traumatizing experience.

"Did you hear that Aledora? They even have a deep sea diving expedition! Oh we are just definitely trying that."

"Lerina if i can't handle being this high in the sky, what on earth makes you think i can handle being deep underwater?"

"Oh shush you'll be fine, we came here to explore the wonders of mexico and i am not having you ruin this trip for us because of your silly 'fears'."

Adelora rolled her eyes and turned her head towards the bleed hole gawking at the subdued white clouds. She wondered if this was such a good idea, it was currently the beginning of summer and she had just finished her 1 year at her dreadful university. Don't get her wrong, she is looking forward to spending time with her close friend, enjoying the scorching sun, and the- well the other stuff but maybe leaving her pile of work behind wasn't such a smart thing to do.

No one was waiting for her at home anyway, her parents had both passed in a car accident many years ago. She scarcely can even remember their faces as she was so young. The idea of how her life would be now if they hadn't died bombard her mind everyday.

Adelora shakes her head from her thoughts and stares at the electronic TV placed right above her head informing her of the amount of hours left until they land. 4 hours it read. Great she thought, out of all places Lerina decides to pick the, what seems like, furthest destination from the UK.

Lerina was the most positive and brightest person she knew even though she had been through the most. It amazes Adelora how she keeps such a positive mindset even throughout all of her tough times with her toxic family and manipulative past partners. They do say the most broken people know how to hide their damaged selves best with happiness and smiles.

Adelora gazed at Lerina engrossed into the magazine stating all the facts she needed to know about mexico, her thick black hair rested just above her shoulders and reflected off the beaming lights above. As she wondered, Adelora could feel her eyes steadily closing letting her thoughts take over her mind and before she knew it she had fallen into a deep sleep.


The sudden drop of her stomach hastily woke Adelora up as she realizes that they are now landing. Her hands immediately clasped the belt and she leaned back into the chair as far as she could almost trying to disappear as the rumbling of the plane vibrated her whole body. Adelora glanced at Lerina who was weirdly smiling, almost enjoying this experience as if it was some sort of roller coaster ride.

"Oh and you couldn't warn me?!" Adelora shouted trying to overpower the brawny sound of the engine.

"I mean i could of but then the element of surprised would of been ruined." Lerina exclaimed back grinning at Adelora.

Adelora scoffed at her friends childish behavior and shut her eyelids compactly trying to keep calm and wait till this torment was over.

After a few moments the stern voice of the air hostess filled the room notifying the passengers that we have now landed and we will be exiting the plane shortly, her whited palms relaxed as she took a deep breath.

"Can you believe it Adelora, we are literally here. Thank God we arrived just when the day is beginning, what should we do first?"

"Why don't we just-"

"Yes great idea, we should definitely go to the hotel first and then go and relax by the pool." Lerina stated excitedly cutting Adelora off.

"I hope you know that i hate you." Adelora scoffed whilst unbuckling her seat belt and fixing her jacket.

"Sorry what was that? You love me? Yes i know."

Now that this horror of a plane journey is over, all Adelora wanted to do was settle into their hotel and savour the fresh breeze and relax. That is if they make it in one piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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