Chappy 1

35 2 1

Bakugou pov:
I walked into class half asleep, not paying attention to anyone or anything. Siting down I let my bag fall to the side of me as I rested my head in my arms. Last night was awfull, I couldn't get to sleep because of all these shitty dreams and I basically spent the whole night crying. I even had to sneak into pink fucks make up back using concealer to cover the bags and puffy eyes. I can't let anyone know about this because if they do then they'll just pity me and look down in me which I don't fucking need. It's just getting really hard and I don't know what to do anymore. Ya know what fuck that I can do this I'm not shitty deku. But I did have the urge to cut, I mean I did that for a bit in middle school but I stopped. It's serious and I should tell someone, but I'm not fucking weak. FUCK THIS!!

I slammed my hand into the table surprising everyone around. "Bakubro, what's wrong?" Shitty hair came over to me. I looked up to him, he had worry in his eyes. "Nothing I'm fine" I spat out, but I suddenly realized that my face said otherwise. I let my bottom lip quiver as my eyes held tears in them, masking my face with anger I flipped him off and turned my head so I was facing out the window. I heard him sigh and walk off sitting down on pikabitch's desk. I almost felt sorry for him, no it's not my it? I let my hand slip from under me and my head crashed into my desk. I grumbled rubbing my head and getting up. "YOU WANNA FUCKING GO TABLE ILL BEAT YO ASS!" I said explosions coming out my hands. What am I doing? I heard some people laugh and some people sigh, I sat back down ignoring everyone's eyes on me. I looked to the front but Aizawa still wasn't here yet. Fucking lazy ass bitch. My head started pounding harder than it already was but I was out of pain killers so I had nothing to stop the pain with. It was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open as it felt like tiny weights in my eyelashes.

I felt dizzy and my body eight was becoming out of proportion. I heard the talking slightly fading out until all I could hear was a sharp ringing noise in my ears. I could still see but it was getting blurry due to the tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't want to deal with this anymore, I didn't have the strength to fight back, I let it take me. My eyes finally closed I let my weight drop.

And I passed out...

No ones pov:

Bakugou was sitting at his desk being his unsocial self, everyone chatting and laughing. But then a bang erupted in the classroom, all the students there turned to look. Bakugou had passed out, his chair tiled over and his body on the ground. Izuku raced over to him making sure his head was propped up against the table and grabbed his wrist. Putting two fingers over it while he checked for a pulse, it was strong. He breathed out whilst giving a breathy laugh. "He'll be ok, he's just passed out no serious damage....but can someone get aizawa?" Midoriya looked up picking him up bridal style. "I'm taking him to recovery girl let sensei know what happened" he said carrying bakugou out of the classroom. Everyone looked at each over puzzled, "what happened?" Denki spoke up. "He just kinda fainted I guess, kero" just then Aizawa appeared at the door. "Hey we're are the two trouble makers of class?" He said, everyone looked at each other before kirishima spoke up. "Well, bakugou kinda fainted so midoriya took him to recovery girl. He told me to tell you..." Kirishima explained to their teacher scratching the back of his head. "Right we'll get to your seats we'll be getting back to class.." he sighed. "Don't you mean nap time?" Denki snickered but shut up when shot a death glare.

Midoriyas pov:

I used my quirk to sprint to recovery girls office, I've been there so many times I've memorized where it is and all the shortcuts. I kicked down the door bringing kachan to the the nearest bed. "What's wrong with him?" She asked walking over to us. "He passed out but he's got a strong pulse his breathing seems to be fine and I don't think there's any head injuries" she sighed. "Alright well I'll heal him a little but it's not serious so you can take him to his dorm after that". I nodded, she walked to kachans side and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Alrighty then go and take him to his dorm and let him rest, thanks for taking him to me you'll be a great hero" she gave me a big smile and I bowed. "No problem and thank you!" I said bowing for her. I picked kachan up like before and started to head out to the dorm buildings.

We reached the doors and I couldn't open them because, well, I had my hands full. I tried using my foot but it was no work. "Here let me help" a voice said behind me and I turned to look. The red hair, red eyes and muscular build turned out to be kirishima. "Oh hi I didn't know you were following us....." I laughed and moved aside to let kirishima pass. "Yeah I got myself excused from class so I could help look after bakubro" once kirishima opened the door I walked in and sighed. "It's weird without everyone here isn't it?" I asked and he nodded. We started our walk up to kachans bedroom and when we got there I didn't want to wait because kirishima insisted he went in the elevator. I kicked it and luckily it opened normally, I walked in and place him on his bed. The foot steps behind me signaled kirishima was here and then the door shut. "Shouldn't we get him out of his uniform?...." He suggested awkwardly. "I'll do it" I gave kirishima a reassuring smile and went over to him. "I've known him since we were kids so I've seen him naked before it's fine". I lifted kachan up unbuttoning some off his t- shirt buttons and slipped it off his head. Walking over to the closet I opened it up to be met with a flag blue tagged to the inside of his door. Once I realized what it was I immediately shut it again. "Kirishima wanna look away for a sec?" I asked and with a confused glance nodded and turned around. I opened it up again and started searching for a tank top and some shorts. Once I found some I closed the door and walked back over to him. I slipped tank top over him and laid him back down, taking his shoes off awkwardly I undid his belt. I started sliding it down before he started moving.

"Ugh what happened?..." he said sitting up only to be met with me trying to undress him. "What the fuck?!?!?!!!!!" He screamed mad looked over to see kiri. "You passed out" "I took you to recovery girl" "then he brought you here" "but I couldn't let you sleep in your uniform" we both said after each over. He pulled his pants back up and got off the bed. "I don't need yo- woah" as soon as he got to his feet he fell back down. "Here" I said reaching my hand out to him. I was expecting him to slap it away or insult me or even both. But he just grumbled and grabbed it letting me help him up. "Do you want help with your shorts?" I asked and kachan looked at the situation. "WAIT DID YOU GO INTO MY CLOSET?!!!!" He yelled at us both and I sighed. "I told kirishima to turn around don't worry...." I whispered but he still seemed mad. "You tell anyone and I will fucking blast your head off." I nodded gulping and turned to kirishima. "What's so bad?" He asked going over to the closet. "Kirishima no!!" We both yelled in unison but it was to late. He looked at it, blinked, and then turned to us. "I repeat what's the big deal? So what if your gay, a lot of people are in this class dude" he reassured coming back over to us. "Turn around so I can get my shorts on..." he mumbled and we applied. Once he was back in bed and everything was sorted I went back to class but kirishima stayed just incase.

Kirishima pov:

" you know why you passed out?" I asked and he shook his head not returning my gaze. "Come on be honest man I heard you crying last night" he looked up at me with a shocked expression. "Wait are you wearing make up?" I asked noticing it under his eyes. "Can you get me something to wash it off with?..." I nodded and went into his bathroom. "There" I said handing him a wet flannel, he wiped it under his eyes and sighed. He put it down next to him closing his eyes and letting his head drop into his pillow. He looked peaceful, wait no that's not it. He looked broken, his jagged breaths and the bags under his eyes. How his eyebrows were furrowed into, not mad but scared. His arms were filled with scratch marks, which looked like they were caused by himself. "are you ok?" I asked and he sat up, looking me in the eyes. Eyes were filled with tears and hurt as he but his bottom lip to stop it shaking "no.....".

Hey guys sorry I love angst

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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