Chapter 1: The Blonde Stranger

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"Kid Flash B03," the zeta tube announced. Wally stepped out of the zeta tube in his usual civies, plus a casual red plaid jacket. He shivered and immediately wished he had put on something warmer before he zetad to Central City.

"At least it'll be warmer at home," he thought.

Wally grinned to himself, and made his way onto the street. Everything was covered in snow: the streets, the buildings, the lights and poles, everything. Wally sighed. He loved playing in the snow when he was a kid-not that he isn't still one. A 15-year-old kid.

Wally snapped back into reality when something ran into him from the alley he was passing. He and the figure tumbled and landed on the sidewalk with Wally on top. Wally lifted his head and rubbed it.

"Hey! Watch where you're-" Wally stopped short, eyes widening.

As soon as he had a chance to stop and catch his breath, he managed to lose it again when his gaze landed on his 'attacker'. The figure that ran into him was a blonde Vietnamese teenage girl, about his age, with stormy grey eyes. But that's not what caught his attention. The girl had a fresh cut from her forehead to her cheek, outlining her eyebrow from about half an inch away from it. She was covered in dirt and had messy hair in a long ponytail. She looked tired, exhausted even, but her eyes held a certain look about them. One look in them told Wally that if provoked, she'd put up a good fight.

"Ahem," the girl coughed. Wally snapped out of his trance and realized he'd been staring for almost a minute now. His cheeks bloomed red as he muttered, "Sorry."

He stood up and offered the girl a hand. She looked at the hand suspiciously, then him, then cautiously took his hand, not once taking her eyes off the redhead. Wally pulled her up, but overestimated his strength a bit and the girl ended up an inch away from his face. Wally's cheeks grew warmer, if at all possible, at the close proximity.

"Sorry," he said again. Wally realized he was still holding on to the girl's hand and let go. As soon as he did, the girl (I'm getting so tired of saying 'the girl') wrapped her arms around herself, turned around and began to walk off.

"Wait!" Wally blurted out. The girl turned around to give him a hard stare. "Um... what's your name?" Wally asked, trying not to be nervous or awkward ("ohhhh...too laaaate...." if you get that reference I applaud you).

"None of your business," the girl replied.

"Hey! I just-I just wanted to know if, maybe you'd like some help?" The girl raised an eyebrow. "Why would I need help?"

Wally felt his face explode for the third (maybe fourth?) time that day. He just couldn't begin to understand this girl.

"N-nothing! I just saw how filthy and beat-up you are and figured you would want some help is all..." Wally trailed off. The girl started laughing.

"If that's your way of getting a girl, it's not working." The girl continued laughing and turned around to walk away. Suddenly something occurred to Wally.

"Wait!" He called out. The girl stopped and turned to look at him again, clearly annoyed. Wally swallowed.

"Um...I, you have anywhere to sleep?" he dumbly asked.

The blonde stared at him. Wally shrugged and looked at the snowy ground. "I just...I...nobody should be sleeping out in this weather, so I thought..."

Wally trailed off, not knowing what to say. He looked up to see the blonde girl looking around out of the corner of her eye. Wally raised an eyebrow and took a step forward. As soon as he did, the blonde girl snapped her attention to him and took a step back. She stared at Wally for a minute.

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