Guitar Lessons

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        Luke Hemmings.  The guy you had liked for over a year now.  Although you were good friends, you didn't think there was any possibility that he could ever like you back.  Which sucked.  Why does he have to be so perfect?  You thought as you walked to a practice room after school, your music folder clutched tightly to your chest.  And nice?  And attactive?  And...perfect?  These thoughts are quickly pushed from your mind as you hear a bit of guitar coming from one of the practice rooms.  Curious, you follow your ear and look through the window of the room, only to see Luke sitting on the stool, strumming away.  As you listen, a small smile spreads across your face.  Then, much to your delight, he begins to sing.

        "Its taking me over, I don't wanna play this game no more.  All you gotta do is tell me right now, you want me right now, come on.  Give me the greenlight, we could have all night if you just say the word.  Tell me it's alright, give me the greenlight..."

        And then, being your clumsy self, you drop the folder, scattering the music all over the ground with a thump.  Shit...  You think, bending over quickly to pick it up.  

        "Need a hand?" The door of the room opens and out walks Luke, tall, slim, with a perfect smile on his perfect face.  

        "Oh, um...hey, Luke," You stutter, trying to not sound like an idiot.  He just laughs and bends down with you, gathering a few pages of One Direction's "You and I".  

        "There you go," He stands and hands you the music, which you put back in your folder.  

        "Thanks," You smile at him, blushing.  There is an awkward silence between the two of you, neither one knowing what to say.

        "Er...that song you were playing was really cool," you say, gesturing to the guitar behind him.  "I don't think I've heard it before."

        "That's becasue I wrote it," he responded with a slight grin.  "Well-me and the rest of the band did."

        "For that girl you were telling me about?" You ask, not looking him in the eyes.  For the past few months, Luke's been talking to you about some perfect, amazing, beautiful, funny, incredible girl who he likes.  It isn't fun hearing about her.  

        "Yeah," he responds. also looking away.  

        "Ah," you say lamely.  Why am I so awkward?  You think.  "I wish I could play the guitar."

        "You always say that.  You know, I could teach you a few things if you like..." he offers, and your heart skips a beat.  Guitar lessons from Luke Hemmings?  Hell yeah.  Okay, gotta play it cool.  Compose yourself.

        "You don't have to," you laugh, brushing your hair behind your ear. 

        "Nah, come on, Y/N, this'll be fun," he walks back in the room and picks up the guitar.  "Unless you'd rather go practice your own stuff?"  Shaking your head rapidly, you walk in, toss your folder to the ground, and sit on the stool.  Luke laughs, handing you the guitar and a pick.

        "Uh..." You look at him for assistance, and he laughs again.  That laugh.  That absolutely perfect laugh.

        "Here," he pulls anohter stool up behind you and places his arms around you, positioning your hands on the guitar.  "Put this finger here...and this one,no, here.  And this,"  You could feel your heart beating as if it were about to burst through your chest, and hoped he couldn't feel it too.  "Now strum."  You do as your told, strumming the strings, and actually making a noise that didn't sound like dying animals.  "Congratulations, Y/N, you've just played a C chord!"

        "Yay I did it!" You laugh, proud of yourself.  You strum a few more times, getting a feel for the chord.  

        "Now, try this," Luke puts his arms around you once more, placing his hands over yours.  Slowly, he moves the hand holding the pick in a pattern: down, down, up, up, down, up.  You laugh, feeling silly that you need so much assistance. 

        "See?  Not so bad.  You can successfully play a C chord," Luke looks at you, eyes sparkling,  You nod, feeling accomplished.  You loved the feeling of being in his arms.  It just felt so right. 

        There is another silence between the two of you, but this one is not awkward.  Then, ever so slowly, Luke leans forward, placing his lips on yours softly.  And it's like magic.  Shocked at first, your mind explodes in a whirlwind of confusion, excitement, and pure joy.  But then you kiss him back, and when he pulls away, you are both smiling.  

        "Remember that girl I was talking about?" he asks.

        "Yeah," you look at him questioningly.

        "Well, her name is Y/N, and she happens to be the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life.  I even wrote her a song," Luke laughs, looking into your eyes.

        "Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure this Y/N girl likes you too," you giggle, leaning your forehead agaisnt his. He takes the guitar off your lap and carefully leans it against the wall next to you, then places his hand against your cheek, pulling you in for another kiss,  You put your arms around his neck, smiling against him.  It's everything you imagined, and more.  Pure perfection.  Suddenly, someone clears their throat from the door.  The two of you jump apart, embarrassed and surprised, faces turning red.  Looking over, you see Ashton, Michael, and Calum.

        "Well..." You can see Ashton visibly shaking, trying not to laugh his adorable laugh.

        "Guess you meant something else when you said practice..." Michael smirked, arms crossed.

        "Finally!" Calum shouts, a massive smile on his face.  "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you two to get together?"  All of you laugh, and Luke puts his arm around your shoulder.

        "Anyone up for celebration Nandos?" Ashton asks, causing more laughter as everyone agrees.  You all walk to Nandos, which is just a few blocks away, and you and Luke hold hands the entire way there.

Guitar Lessons With Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now