Where it all  began

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Once upon a time in a far away land in another dimension, there was a beautiful queen and a handsome king, they decided to have a child who would inherit the throne. On a full moon their child was born and her name was Gabriella, She had gorgeous silk soft peach hair, beautiful brown/gold  eyes, She was happy and sweet, she had the kindest heart and wanted to give everyone love. One day she came across a book, she hesitated.. but she picked it up and what she saw frightened her and in the back there was a map, so she decided to sneak out and follow the map it lead her to a cabin, she asked for questions and the person who was living at the cabin was named Vivian, she was a Very powerful person. Gabriella was looking around and saw her mom, And she had Powers! Gabriella asked questions and Vivian told her if she got her the secret flower she'd give Gabriella powers too. Gabriella went back to her castle and got the secret flower which only bloomed in the castle garden. She went back to the cabin and Vivian bestowed the powers upon Gabriella, She went back to the castle, her mom told her that she would be going to school on earth (all princesses must go to earth to become queen and they only have 1 year to prove themselves) So the next day they opened a rift and Gabriella ended up in earth.

(The next chapter is going to be good!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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