Shadow man

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~I'm the girl you've been thinking about, the one thing you can't live without.

I'm the girl you've be waiting for have you down on your knees whilst your begging for more. I CAN BE YOUR WHORE~

The ringtone echoed through out the enormous room as Sara tossed and turned despratley trying to ignore it's sudden outburst.

"Who the hell is calling me now?" The blonde groaned as she reached one arm out of the sanctuary of the warm duvet, which encased the rest of her body.

"Hello!" She answered, snapping at the person who had so rudly interupted her beauty sleep on a saturday morning. Even in her sleepy state she already knew all too well who would be at the other end.

"Sara, wakey wakey! I'm downstairs, open the door or else." 

The child like voice on the other end chimed a bit too happily for it to be this early on a saturday morning. Sara honestly wishing she could tell them to get lost but instead the caller had hung up and proceeded to ring the bell.

She sluggishly crawled out from her nest of sheets and onto the cold, laminate flooring that seemed to much rather resemble walking on ice, than it did an actual floor.

Turning the nob off the front door, the girl sighed dreading the day ahead of me.

"Well you look like shit." The red headed girl chimed looking stunning as ever.

"Well Hello to you to Darla" Sara spoke in her usual sarcastic tone as the red head pushed past her making  her way upstairs. Following cautiously behind whilst picturing herself strangling her red headed friend from behind.

As she walked into the bedroom, Darla had took a seat on the edge of Sara's queen sized bed. Her red hair  curled loosely as it drapped over her shoulders, her blue eyes glittering with specks of pure silver as the sun broke through my curtains and shone a bright light across he perfectly pale face. She was dressed in what looked like a vintage pair of black skinnies, a red fitted vest top and red converse shoes. She was like something out of a movie.

"What the hell do you want Darla? Don't you know its way too early to be up on a weekend?" Sara snapped after finally looking down at her phone to see the time. Instead of being shocked by Sara's venomous tone Darla just stood there grinning like a Chesire Cat, amused by her friends reaction to her pressence. It was nothing new, Sara was never the most easy going off people her stance alone was normally enough to scare people away but not Darla, she knew that Sara had he reasons for being the way she was even if Sara would never open up about it.

"Where going out!" Darla spoke waiting for her friend to blow up when she didn't she continued to explain.

"Austin is going to meet us here and then take us somewhere." She rejoiced as another wide grin apearing on her face.

"Nope." Sara replied, not bothering to show any emotion or sarcasim for once. There was no chance in hell She was spending the day with Darla and her idiot brother.

As much as Sara loved Darla and fact that she was the only friend Sara had in this town. She couldnt find it in her to tolerate her brother, Austin, he was a pain in her arse. A hot pain, but a pain none the less.

"No moping Sara, he'll be here soon and he said if you resist, he'll drag you out himself!" The redhead spoke with a mayter of fact tone as she stamped her feet like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Two things!"  The blonde snapped in reply before carrying on with her oncoming rant.

"One, I ain't going anywhere in this town and secondly, if he even tries, I will draw blood and not just a little blood, I'll make him bleed so much, he will slip into a coma!" 

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